Example sentences of "[noun] which be [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 The proclamation may not have had the effect which was desired for the next lease to come to light is 17 years later , between Sir John Pennington bart. , and Thomas Gorsuch of London , described as a goldsmith .
2 driving even further than spain is the Oxfordshire team of Francis Tuthill and Anthony Showell … the winners of the London to Sydney car marathon … are the first to enter the London to Mexico marathon which was unveiled for the first time this week …
3 The research makes use of data which were collected for the SE Gas Region in order to identify indicators of change in gas consumption .
4 If there are orthographic paragraph divisions in the original version of this text which were made for the sake of appearance on the page , then we have little hope of identifying such divisions in any formal way .
5 In most accounts of the aggregate demand function , the reasons which are advanced for the inverse relationship between AD and p reduce , in essence , to the interaction between three complementary mechanisms .
6 First , the collection of data depends heavily on published financial accounts which are produced for the quite different purpose of minimising company taxation , with corresponding differences in the definition of capital .
7 Acknowledging his administrative talents and scholarly assets , Mrs Stevenson said the board felt , ‘ He simply did not have the specific skills which were needed for the job ’ .
8 In the first place , as must already be evident , it shows some striking parallels with the Formalists ' views on literature and literary studies — views which were developed for the greater part quite independently of it , for although later Formalist theory may have been influenced to some degree by Saussure , the beginnings of the movement predate the publication of his Cours .
9 These are mixes which are designed for the horse owner who still wants to feed traditionally ie oats etc , but wants to make up the deficiencies with a specific mix .
10 When the mills of the North of England are referred to , we think immediately of the nineteenth-century factories which were built for the purpose of manufacturing yarn and textiles , rather than buildings containing corn-grinding machinery .
11 Four ‘ Grads ’ teams , spanning a twenty-year period , will take part in the event which is scheduled for the Queen 's Playing Fields at Upper Malone on Saturday ( 12.00 ) .
12 The idea is of some set of things which was required for the occurrence of the effect , which is not to say that the set includes all the things prior to the effect that were required for it .
13 ( 5.2 ) gives an expression for the variation of induced voltage : The frequency of the induced voltage is equal to the frequency of the fundamental component of the supply voltage and so it is the fundamental component of phase current which is required for the torque calculations .
14 Haselkorn has argued that the USSR has also established aerial staging networks which were used for the airlift of arms to Angola and Ethiopia in the 1970s and which are of paramount importance for Soviet access strategy in the Third World .
15 I hereby give notice that an inspector appointed by the Department of the Environment will attend at Bodicote House , Bodicote , Banbury on Thursday the 9th of March , 1989 at 10.00 a.m. to hold a local Inquiry into the above development which was refused for the reasons stated on the attached sheets marked ‘ Notice of Refusal of Permission for Development ’ .
16 Many wave-energy researchers believe that the consistently unfavourable attitude of the EC towards wave power has its origins in unfavourable assessments which were provided for the Community by the British government .
17 It was argued on behalf of the respondents that the doctrine applied to a covenant which was imposed for the benefit of the trade of the covenantee and which either forbids the covenantor to carry on his trade or restricts the way in which he may carry it on .
18 This led in due course to the enactment of a new code which was substituted for the relevant sections of the Act of 1972 by the Transport Act 1981 and is now found , without material alteration , in the Road Traffic Act 1988 .
19 Such a requirement for express agreement of admissions policy is difficult to reconcile with the more limited requirement that governors should simply ‘ consult ’ the local education authority which was introduced for the first time by section 33 of the Act of 1986 .
20 Boris Anrep , for instance , whom the Berkeleys used to encounter when they stayed with Maud Russell at Mottisfont , gave them the model he painted for the mosaics which were intended for the apse of Westminster Cathedral ( it stands on the chest of drawers in their bedroom ) and Hugh Honour and John Fleming gave them the marble hermaphrodite which reclines on the top of a bookcase in the study .
21 The team is to be lead by Dr. Boris Babaian of the Russian Academy of Science , inventor of the Elbrus-3 supercomputer which was developed for the Soviet space programme and is reported to be three times faster than a Cray Y-MP .
22 This is a summary of the arrangements which were adopted for the Phase 1 Pilots , a statement of the impressions which have been collected of their operation and an outline of the interim conclusions which have been reached .
23 Churchill agreed and decided that , regardless of the outcome of the talks about continuing the coalition into peacetime , ‘ any decisions which are needed for the supreme objects of FOOD and EMPLOYMENT in the years immediately after the war must be taken whether they involve legislation and whether they are controversial or not ’ .
24 In turn , Amritsar became the depot for piece goods , copper , and brass which were destined for the Central Asian markets .
25 Resolved , That this House takes note of European Community Documents Nos. 7573/91 and the Supplementary Explanatory Memoranda submitted by the Department of Trade and Industry on 6th November and 11th December 1991 and 10157/91 , relating to standards for satellite broadcasting of television signals , and 8122/91 , relating to audio-visual production in the context of the strategy for high definition television ; and endorses the Government 's approach which is to aim for the correct balance between promoting new broadcasting technologies , protecting the rights of satellite broadcasters and serving the best interests of consumers .
26 It is the subjective consciousness of the individual learner which perceives and construes the world , and this includes all those parts of the world which are presented for the learner to experience through the curriculum .
27 The garden is tackled single-handedly and she uses no new-fangled gadgets , except for an old trusty rotary mower which is used for the grass bank alongside the road .
28 Obviously we will be guided by our consultants but this er er view of is er er meeting with er er great success in the villages because obviously er we feel that if there is a public inquiry then we stand a better chance of British Coal sticking to the promises made when they had the original planning application and removing all waste by train to suitable sites and there 's one at Welbeck which is waiting for the material .
29 By around 1700 grave-clothes changed , probably as a result of the influence of the soft-goods trade in ready-made items , and adopted a form which was to last for the next seventy-five years .
30 The actual information which is stored for the compounds above is shown in table 4.6 .
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