Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb mod] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 They like the idea of design shops which might cater for the plentiful supply of individuals with small gardens and several thousand pounds to spend .
2 They , for instance , display in self-deportment great tranquillity , or mastery of emotions ; for one of their greatest duties is to create the tranquil relationships which would allow for the work of building community , and therefore for its wealth .
3 Using existing data sets , it will make initial estimates of the scale of any effect which low incomes might have on the health if the elderly in Britain , and go on to assess the likely role of some intervening variables which might account for the close correlation between income distribution and longevity in developed countries .
4 As was suggested above , there were , within the internal development of psychoanalysis , new findings which necessitated a new conceptualization which could account for the compulsion to repeat unpleasurable experiences .
5 Some have a substantial occupational pension , and possible capital accumulation which might allow for the provision of goods and services in a period of dependency .
6 Teachers are asked to develop an alternative female culture of achievement and independence which will compensate for the romanticism , dependency and passivity found amongst women in society .
7 He attempted to preserve from what he called the ‘ growing appetites of sacrilegious cormorants ’ Church revenues which could pay for the education of talented children of poor families .
8 In these situations we commonly know or think we know of many of the conditions which must occur for the occurrence of the event .
9 Lenin believed that bureaucracy would become redundant after a proletarian revolution which would provide for the instant revocability of every civil servant , the reduction of official salaries and the simplification of control and accounting functions in society .
10 Althusser actually says that an ideal explanation would map out the relations between different factors down to and including individuals , and thus outlines a programme for a perfect social theory which would account for the parts played by individuals in social organisation and change .
11 By adopting a text-based approach he searches for an explicit and comprehensive communicative theory which can account for the psychological effects created by poetic texts .
12 The analyses are used to look for patterns in the types of information available from stimuli which may account for the previous risk and recognition results and the relationships between risk and recognition .
13 Different classes of share will be created and issued by the company to the management and the investors in order : ( a ) to allow a large share capital to be created without unduly diluting the management 's interest ; ( b ) to reduce the investors ' risk by providing a part of the share capital to be in the form of preference shares , which will enable the company to redeem as quickly as the cash flow and profits allow ; ( c ) to set up a " ratchet " mechanism which will allow for the management shareholding to increase with the success of the company .
14 21.1 No party shall be liable to any other for non-performance in the event of circumstances occurring outside their control which shall include for the avoidance of doubt strikes material or currency fluctuations .
15 7 NEITHER PARTY shall be liable to the other for non-performance in the event of circumstances occurring outside his , her or its control which shall include for the avoidance of doubt strikes , material currency fluctuations and in the case of the Authors serious illness .
16 20.1 Neither party shall be liable to the other for non-performance in the event of circumstances occurring outside its control which shall include for the avoidance of doubt strikes and material currency fluctuations .
17 Anyway I have a team of red filth which could pass for the Busby scum so now I can re-enact those battles of yore !
18 I would call genealogy … a form of history which can account for the constitution of knowledges , discourses , domains of objects etc. , without having to make reference to a subject which is either transcendental in relation to the field of events or runs in its empty sameness throughout the course of history .
19 We used paraffin sections which may account for the 50% sensitivity that we found .
20 I considered that point during the summer , when we were considering the rules of the scheme which should operate for the current financial year .
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