Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 the rise of capitalism in a country and the religion which predominates in that country .
2 The socially undesirable characteristics which advocates of this movement felt were inheritable and should be eliminated were , as always , strongly influenced by contemporary social imperatives .
3 We could eventually remove from human life all the characteristics which make for human distress — criminality , war-making , and the like . ’
4 The initial study of cancer cell behaviour can only be done with a living animal in order to define those ‘ test tube ’ characteristics which correlate with uncontrolled growth and spread of tumour cells within the whole body .
5 In 1978 the Mariana Islands ( excluding Guam ) had opted for status as a self-governing commonwealth of the USA , and in 1982 the FSM and the Marshall Islands had signed compacts of free association which provided for internal sovereignty and US economic support in return for continuing US control of their defence and foreign policies .
6 Bears , squirrels and badgers are some of the many animals which overwinter in this way .
7 Animals which live in open country , such as the African bush , tend to have their fovea elongated into a strip .
8 And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a fantasy of Edgar Allan Poe 's .
9 ( Even with the economy-wide agreements in Sweden in the 1983 negotiations no settlement could be arrived at with the union side which insisted upon separate industry level negotiations being conducted . )
10 Newton did n't have to be a scientist either to realise what his two goals had done for a Chelsea side which played with impressive self belief considering its young personnel .
11 They name the side which lost to Danish club Slangerup last week .
12 I have enclosed a simple card which explains in more detail how ORT works .
13 Crisis management apart , there is the constant burden of casework which calls for much reading of detailed dossiers before reaching decisions on individual cases .
14 He stressed the difficulties facing the coalition which according to one opinion poll , has the support of 42 per cent of Nicaraguans .
15 But Roosevelt was close to death , and the British had to wait another two years until the " brain-wave " at last arrived in the form of discreet signals from the US State Department — signals which led in due course to the European Recovery Programme and Marshall Aid .
16 Equally important is the contrast between the fault-bounded east coast which plunges to deep water in the Minches and the shallow sea bed west of the islands ; a submerged platform which extends to one of the most extensive areas of continental shelf in Britain .
17 The main feature of this system was the relatively small and , on trend , declining proportion of public revenue which came from direct taxation .
18 A MUSIC club which puts on classical music concerts is facing an uncertain future due to the withdrawal of its grant from Braintree District Council .
19 MENSA , the organisation for people with very high IQs , started an investment club which bought from one sharedealer an American OTC stock Biotech Capital Corporation .
20 However , there continued to be successes from individual business units which resulted from another year of good effort , team work and commitment by Wimpol staff throughout the Group .
21 ‘ Small numbers of units which cut across traditional subject boundaries could be designed — one such unit on transport having already been produced .
22 In the first two books there are also units which focus on situational English , while in the later parts of the series a functional syllabus is combined with a structural grading .
23 This is an important programme which smacks of major investment and very careful planning .
24 Now we are asked to consider this proposition in the face of local opposition which ranges from sullen resentment to armed threat — said local opposition being only some 25 supersonic minutes away for that bogeyman of the south Atlantic airways , the Super Etendard jet fighter .
25 In order to create sufficient headroom within the studio , it was necessary to remove an existing tie-beam which spanned between two timber posts that helped to support the roof structure and to adapt and re-site this member at a higher level , just below the soffit of the ceiling ( Plate 11 ) .
26 Its purpose , he argued , is not to supply immediate or direct knowledge of God ; it is rather to enable the overcoming , with God 's help , of the contradictions which run through human existence .
27 But Clifford Barnett , the head of the anthropology department which voted in closed session last week to expel Mosher from his PhD candidature , denies that the department was subjected to any pressure .
28 Will he also tell him that the first priority must be to reform the common agricultural policy , to remove the losses from fraud which occur within that policy and , especially , to bring about a successful conclusion to the GATT negotiations ?
29 One of a new generation of slow down utilities which caters for high speed 80386 and 80486 computers .
30 But public bodies — Government departments , local authorities , and others — are also legal persons and also become involved in disputes which lead to judicial activity .
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