Example sentences of "[noun] by [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Surrounded on every side by the followers of Mohammed — who also laid claim to Jerusalem and its lands — it was only a matter of time before war broke out in earnest .
2 A final experiment by the police at labour organization backfired disastrously .
3 Far more than a ‘ companion ’ to the Hornblower novels , clarifying and extending the historical background and arranging the events of the hero 's life in chronological order instead of in the irregular order imposed on readers by the dates of publication of the books , Parkinson 's book is related in intention , though not in style and tone , to the amiable pamphlets published from time to time summarising the relationships and activities of the fictional inhabitants of Coronation Street .
4 Maxwell and Murdoch were no doubt entrenched in their organizations by the complexities of cross-holdings and foreign-registered companies , but their personal holdings were proportionately small , particularly in comparison with their predecessors .
5 Second , Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia , which is one of the opportunistic infections listed in the clinical definition of AIDS by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and the most frequently reported , developed within two weeks of the onset of symptoms of primary HIV-1 infection .
6 The change comes as part of a bid by the Bishops of Durham and Jarrow to reduce the number of paid ministers by 36 .
7 He was appointed a deputy lieutenant of Kinross-shire in 1964 , and was awarded the honorary degree of LLD by the universities of Edinburgh ( 1954 ) , St Andrews ( 1955 ) , and Aberdeen ( 1960 ) .
8 Make sure you see some of Tenerife 's fascinating scenery during your holiday — join in some of our most popular trips , including a cruise on the Nostramo , an authentic Spanish galleon or our ‘ Skool Dinners ’ BBQ ; the ‘ Last Resort ’ , a special cabaret by the reps in Tenerife 's top nightclub and the very popular Medieval Night — a delicious banquet in an old castle with jousting displays followed by a live , top named band .
9 Her prodigious roarings and weepings would be licensed in her mind by the examples of St Mary of Oignies ( whose book she had heard in an English translation ) , St Bonaventure , St Elizabeth of Hungary and an unnamed priest she had heard of who wept ‘ so wonderfully that he wetted his vestment ’ .
10 In Ryan [ 19921 Crim.L.R. 187 , where the identifying witness was brought to and conducted around the police station where the parade took place by officers involved in the investigation , the Court of Appeal regarded what had occurred as a ‘ substantial breach ’ of the Code , and the subsequent identification of the suspect was admitted in evidence only because there was proof that nothing untoward had in fact been said to the witness by the officers in question .
11 Not to mention the thousands of pounds pumped into the Tory Party funds by the likes of Rupert Murdoch 's News International .
12 A ceremony on Oct. 5 commemorating the 50th anniversary of the massacre of Jews by the Nazis at Babi Yar near Kiev was attended by Jewish , German and US delegations .
13 Each new teacher is put through a period of what we can call social apprenticeship by the pupils in order to ascertain what sort of person and disciplinarian ( s ) he is going to be .
14 It is a penalty if it was not a genuine attempt by the parties to pre-estimate the likely damages but was intended to hang in terror over one party to ensure that he carried out the contract .
15 Inevitably , writing for the Cornhill gave him a first experience of the restrictions imposed on authors by the readers of quality magazines , but for the time being he was happy to compromise in the interests of his career .
16 Though these letters , in common with other hortatory epistles of Alcuin , mirror an ideal standard of kingship and moralize within the framework of conventional Carolingian political thinking on kingship and its obligations and responsibilities , the image conveyed by Alcuin is of a somewhat vainglorious , quarrelsome and vindictive , even ill-advised aristocracy rent by the consequences of faction and vendetta .
17 An authoritative Soviet study on the diplomacy of the developing states , prefaced by Firyubin a couple of years before his ASEAN tour , had arrived at a definition of neutralisation on the basis of declarations by the statesmen of Southeast Asia .
18 Some European legislation , e.g. directives , requires further legislative or administrative action by the authorities of member states for it to become effective .
19 Though many other features certainly were recognised by Banfield as relevant , the characteristic of these societies that he adopted as the key to explanation was the absence of concerted collective action by the peasants for improvement of their own position .
20 Originally the yarn for the cloth was hand-spun from wool by the crofters of Lewis and was wholly produced in the Isle .
21 Blumer and Hauser maintained that ‘ the influence of motion pictures seems to be proportionate to the weakness of the family , school , church and neighbourhood ’ and that ‘ persons living in high-rate delinquency areas are most subject to influence by the themes of life treated by motion pictures ’ .
22 As the pre-gig DJ 's preference for tunes by the likes of Carter and Senseless Things attests , the Inspirals have stowed away on the bus reserved for hardworking merchants of no-nonsense , boys ' own indie-rock , and their new home seems to suit them .
23 His eldest son — also John Sich — was a Lieutenant in the Corps of Chiswick Volunteers formed at the time of the threatened invasion of England by the forces of Napoleon .
24 IN SEPTEMBER 1940 , the Battle of Britain was being fought over south east England by the pilots of Fighter Command , but at the same time the crews of Coastal and Bomber Commands were making heroic , but less well-known , attacks on the invasion barges and German naval forces assembled in the ports and harbours across the Channel .
25 This is that for your Lordships ' House to recognise such a principle would overstep the boundary which we traditionally set for ourselves , separating the legitimate development of the law by the judges from legislation .
26 Common law constitutes the law and customs of ancient lineage that have been upheld as law by the courts in cases decided before them .
27 After the war , his career was interrupted by the Allies ' investigative tribunals and partly blocked in Berlin , Vienna , and Salzburg by the machinations of Furtwängler .
28 After Moulin 's capture by the Germans in June 1943 , the CNR was never again to be headed by the CFLN 's representative .
29 Becky Wallam and Andrea Carpenter achieved dramatic results with a £95 make-over by the stylists at Cover Girl International .
30 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
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