Example sentences of "[noun] she have [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Arthur Leopold of County Cork had taken the picture , and the first time Ellie had tiptoed into the bedroom she had stood for a long time staring at the photograph , because it was the first time she had ever seen the likeness of her dead mother .
2 She looked over at the pile of burned clothing she had shed like a snake 's skin , and shuddered .
3 As a child she had suffered from a mild case of polio , which left one leg slightly shorter than the other .
4 Mrs Dibble experienced Lena 's generosity when the ribber attachment she had bought from a mail order company would not work on her machine .
5 Understandably Diana found it hard to concentrate on the cookery course she had enrolled in a few days before her father suffered his stroke .
6 Travelling all day yesterday , she had subsisted solely on British Rail sandwiches and her supper had consisted only of the cereal and milk she 'd bought at a small general store in the nearest hamlet .
7 The first couple of times she 'd arrived at a rendezvous and then lost her nerve , backing out before anyone could approach her ; but then she 'd tried getting herself a little drunk beforehand , and from then on the doors were flung open and she was away .
8 For Kirsty 's sake she had to put on a bright face .
9 And to Carole 's annoyance , Hyacinth Scragg had not turned up , despite the reminder she had received over a cup of tea at the conference centre .
10 On the bend of the lower landing she had to struggle past a Centurion lounging against the wall eating from a bag of chips .
11 Sister Aloysius was wiping the hand now with a piece of rough linen she had taken from a pocket in her habit .
12 He was the Maurice Charlotte had always known then , the Maurice she had loved as a brother and trusted as a friend .
13 Lovingly , as if repeating one of the poems she had learnt as a girl , and never forgotten , she crooned to herself the doctor 's words , ‘ Nothing to worry about , Mrs Mallory .
14 For many years she had worked as a librarian before switching to journalism , training ‘ on-the-job ’ under an American industrial and securities correspondent and as personal assistant to Dan Rather , now CBS 's news anchorman , then becoming a freelance writer .
15 Over the last seven years she has worked as a manager in the retail industry in Oxford .
16 Well Lindsey she 's to go to a disco night in in a fortnight 's time all her friends she says are going .
17 More important than all the pats on the back she 's had as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company .
18 In it , she confronted him with evidence she 'd unearthed of a conspiracy against her and accused him of being behind it .
19 It reminded Jane of one of the Professor Branestawm stories she had read as a child in which the characters were photographs come alive , each repeating , over and over again , the sentence he or she had been saying at the moment the photograph was taken .
20 The outdated expression , plus his look of youthful enthusiasm , reminded Cassie briefly of stories she had read as a child .
21 A woman has saved a baby 's life using resuscitation techniques she 'd learned on a course just two weeks earlier .
22 Diana was flattered , flustered and bewildered by the passion she had aroused in a man twelve years her senior .
23 But Dexter knew Blanche had benefited from a growing friendship with a woman she had met on a management course at the police college at Bramshill — a former commander in the Met who had taken to lecturing after a heart attack .
24 It was the feeling she had had as a child when she frightened herself with a detective story .
25 After leaving the letter in a drawer she had gone to a nearby town and booked in at a hotel .
26 In the past she has gone as a pillion passenger on husband Steve 's bike .
27 Breathless , she slowed to a walk through the lemon groves near the complex , and by the time she reached Monte Samana she had slowed to a snail 's pace .
28 Like many divorcées , she now viewed the man she had married as a monster of depravity , as capable as Richard III of any dirty deed .
29 AN ELDERLY spinster with ‘ a heart of gold ’ was battered to death in her home by a man she had minded as a boy , a court was told yesterday .
30 A day or two before she was due to move she ran into a man she had known as a rather mysterious friend of Simon 's who used to turn up on leave now and again during the war .
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