Example sentences of "[noun] that [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 An informal collaborative project between BGS and the Observatório Nacional ( part of the Brazilian Research Council , CNPq ) is examining new geophysical methods that may help in the exploration of the vast basalt-covered basins in the interior of Brazil .
2 It was a command that would result in the slaying of actress of Sharon Tate ( who was pregnant with film director Roman Polanski 's child at the time of her fatal stabbing ) , coffee heiress Abigail Folger and her lover Wojiciech Frykowski , delivery boy Steven Earl Parent and Hollywood hair stylist to the stars , Jay Sebring .
3 For Frith has given the fox and the weasel cunning hearts and sharp teeth and to the cat he has given silent feet and eyes that can see in the dark and they are gone away from Frith 's place to kill and devour all that belongs to El-ahrairah . "
4 On the shores of the lake , or on one of the little islets that may form in the middle of it , they build their lodge , a great dome of sticks , poles , branches , reeds and mud within which they have their living chamber .
5 Before looking further at the way this assumption was developed , it would be useful to clear up a confusion that may arise in the use of the category ‘ positivist criminology ’ .
6 It is a well-established convention that a minister should be an MP or a peer ; the Ministers of the Crown Act , 1964 ( in limiting the number of ministers and parliamentary secretaries that can sit in the Commons ) forces the Prime Minister to select a nucleus of ministers from the Lords ; leading figures in the majority party practically demand a Cabinet place — and a ministry of their choice ; new young members need to be nurtured ; and even leaders of factions within the party might have to be given office if only in the hope of softening their opposition to the broad drift of government policy .
7 The first Part of this book deals with standard sets of conditions covering various relationships that can arise in the context of the supply of goods and services in the course of a business , ranging from short form standard conditions for the supply of goods and the provision of services , to a full contract for the supply of a turnkey system .
8 The program is aware of the width of the page and can calculate the number of words that will fit in the space available .
9 The owners ' research problem was to get a light that would function in the methane-rich atmosphere of the ‘ crept ’ workings .
10 I thought of the Weddell Sea , the ice and the ghost of that Flying Dutchman , visualising the friction that could develop in the close confines of a yacht .
11 Even extremists of the 1960s , who believed that the task of a school was to ensure that children enjoyed themselves while they were pupils , must have had in mind , as well , some further outcome , some advantage that would flow in the long run to the children who had been encouraged , under that regime , to ‘ grow ’ and ‘ blossom ’ and ‘ flourish ’ in the ‘ learning situation ’ provided by the class-room .
12 The trick will be to turn his good intentions into policies that will work in the real world .
13 That just as you are making it possible to select conceptions that will result in the right sort of people , as you define them , and reject the potentially bad ones , so it would be possible to reject the good and retain the bad .
14 Yet Martha was a woman of courage , and she succeeded nobly in satisfying her hungry lodgers with wholesome fare , and spreading for them sheets a prince might fold around him ; and though the body was often weak , the spirit was lively , and soon found a way whereby to mount with ease over any difficulty that might arise in the government of her household or the entertainment of her hospices .
15 The only amendments to government proposals that would pass in the house could be those that the government could be persuaded to accept : nothing would be passed against their will .
16 Will he contrast that excellent achievement under Conservative trade union law with the undoubted industrial chaos that would result in the unlikely event of the Labour party 's returning to government ?
17 So we should not be dogmatic , and assume that the kind of life we have on Earth is the only kind that could exist in the entire Universe ; and ‘ living ’ clays may flourish elsewhere , perhaps even on Mars ( as suggested by Professor Hyman Hartman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) .
18 Nor is it , unless applied by someone brave enough to face up to all the disturbing hypotheses that can arise in the course of it .
19 There used to be er , a lady that used to come in the cinema when I worked there , and she had a
20 ‘ Why should n't the people of Coventry enjoy their football and support a winning team that can finish in the top six at least ? ’
21 Very often this must involve a partnership between the school or community centre with organisations that can assist in the planning , such as the Edinburgh Green Belt Trust or the Central Scotland Countryside Trust .
22 WARREN SPRING Laboratory is to merge with AEA in a move that will result in the establishment of a National Environmental Technology Centre .
23 One obstacle that might stand in the way of the proposed merger is a personality clash between the strong-willed bosses of the two firms .
24 To be able to join these co-ordinates together in order to recreate the shape there must be some form of movement and so the pen is fixed to a travelling gantry that can move in the × axis ( left and right ) while the pen moves along the gantry in the y axis ( up and down ) .
25 ‘ It 's all activity oriented contact which is a beginning to help to alter the preconceived ideas that might exist in the minds of the local community .
26 And I particularly draw members ' attention to top of the second page where you are requested to indemnify Age Concern for any redundancy costs that may arise in the future .
27 ‘ Warn ’ is therefore used in a slightly unusual sense if that is the correct interpretation , since it usually connotes reference to a consequence that will arise in the event of non-compliance .
28 But perhaps the picture that will remain in the minds of the few now here who knew him will be that of a long , thin figure folded into the driving seat of a small , fast , bright red sports car , his hair billowing wildly , his eyes crinkling through large , horn-rimmed spectacles and his mouth twisted into a mocking , sardonic grin .
29 He said that the scheme would aim to help Fife companies develop businesses that would assist in the diversification of the defence-dependent economy .
30 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
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