Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] has been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Growing urban scepticism about the ecological wisdom of intensive farming is often paralleled by a lack of appreciation that it has been essential to meet consumer demand for cheap food .
2 The allegation that there has been undue secrecy seems untrue .
3 However , in recent years a blitz on such companies has been mounted with the result that there has been some improvement .
4 Public opinion is growing too large for the channels that it has been accustomed to run through . ’
5 It 's thanks to a hefty sponsorship package from Village Homes that he has been able to make the move after only one full season of FF1600 racing in Ireland .
6 So great is the slaughter that there has been enormous public concern and since 1978 my colleagues and I have studied the effect of road casualties on the toads that breed in the lake at Llandrindod Wells , in mid-Wales .
7 Such is the wealth of historical literature that it has been difficult to decide what to give in notes in this chapter .
8 George Soloway has been so busy making money that he has been unable ‘ to commit himself to another human being ’ .
9 It is a great merit in Mrs Taylor that she has been content to be guided by her moral taste , which is very fine and true , without trying to form a set of principles upon it .
10 The shabby ghosts of the Forster coterie waft out once more to pool their romantic gossip ; Forster himself shuffles forward to complain that Joe 's doings with one brawny menial have so put him off the lower classes that he has been obliged to travel first rather than third-class on a railway journey , and once again the air is full of that peculiarly spiritless twitter about guardsmen , homosexual tea parties and cure for pubic lice .
11 At least for the period 1980 to 1984 , WIRS fails to offer substantiating evidence that there has been any growth in the use of this form of temporary worker .
12 It is difficult to find evidence that there has been massive deterioration in the morality and behaviour of the common people , in comparison to the preindustrial work .
13 Later , rejecting the claim that she has been irresponsible , Murphy says :
14 It is from this stance that there has been much recent emphasis on subject depth in the training of teachers , and a virtual embargo on teaching for those with degrees in subjects ‘ not on the school timetable ’ .
15 He , in retaliation , has launched against them the most concentrated onslaughts that he has been able to devise .
16 There have been so many taboos surrounding some kings that it has been difficult , if not impossible , to find anyone to be successor , for the taboos lead to total social isolation of the ruler .
17 The distinctive orange , yellow and black bike was a Christmas present for the youngster , but he has been so weak because of chemotherapy treatment that he has been able unable to ride it .
18 We begin to leaf through two large black plan chests containing examples of numerous advertising campaigns that he has been involved in over the years .
19 Although the 20 cm square shaft has been known about since 1882 it is only with developments in recent technology that it has been possible to explore it by means of a video camera mounted onto a mini robot .
20 It is by no means the first time that there has been unacceptable , totally unsporting behaviour along such lines in that part of the world .
21 It is not only the length of time that someone has been unemployed that is important , but also the fact that it affects a person 's lifetime income .
22 Despite the fact that he has been involved in more intimidating tackles than most professionals of his generation , he thinks a line has to be drawn between hard edged professionalism and pathological violence .
23 The fact that it has been necessary so many times over the years to attempt interventions to halt conflict and define stretches of frontier invites an explanation .
24 Further , the fact that there has been such a steep rise in the number of divorces , combined with a fairly high rate of remarriage , means that a rising proportion of all marriages are of people marrying for at least the second time .
25 Apart from the fact that there has been significant support for the alliance party over the last dozen years or so among the catholic middle classes , there is also a further factor .
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