Example sentences of "[noun] i had [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As I swabbed the table with disinfectant I had the old feeling of helplessness .
2 In the spare bedroom I had a demountable work-bench with a vice and an array of small tools .
3 It had even been easy following them from the racecourse , as when I went out to where my driver had parked his car I had a clear view from a distance of Daffodil at the exit gate being spooned into a royal blue Rolls-Royce by Filmer and her chauffeur .
4 ‘ And when I 'd parked the car I had an overwhelming urge to kiss you . ’
5 Through its low branches I had a latticed view of the buildings that made up my home .
6 When I started discussions with the social services department I had an open mind about the service to be delivered .
7 And er I well remember on one occasion in the course of my analysis with Anna Freud I had the uncanny feeling , well this was more than an uncanny feeling , I think it was the reality , I touched the superego of Sigmund Freud because at one point I said something in my analysis which implied that her father , for instance , might have some interest in religion and Anna Freud flared up and what I felt was flaring was her superego and this was the superego she had got by identification with her father .
8 No wonder I had a fat face .
9 There was sliding down the banisters , toys left on the stairs , a new untidiness , a quickening of life and , sometimes , in the hurdy-gurdy I had a strange sense of ‘ presences ’ , two other children , silent , well-behaved .
10 I carried out stone from the cave , and after many days ' hard work I had a large cave in the side of the hill .
11 The toilets and bathrooms and showers were at the end of the hall on the second floor , and from my window I had a splendid view of the cathedral , whose Gothic , Renaissance and baroque styles mingled perfectly in the dark-rose-and-amber stone to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formation .
12 It was empty , but at the corner where the lamplight was reflected in Robson 's shop window I had a brief impression of a fleeing form and a faint echo of laughter .
13 Without my shoes I had an obvious limp .
14 ‘ From day one at Tottenham I had the opposite feeling , even when I was in the team . ’
15 One day in January I had a free afternoon , as Adèle was ill , so I decided to walk to Hay , a village two miles away , to post a letter for the housekeeper .
16 For a moment I had a ridiculous sense of anti-climax .
17 When I 'm at a crossroads , if I find myself going back to the same place I had a happy encounter , I deliberately go the other way , so I do n't become a slave to habit .
18 Good job I had a good pair of drawers on .
19 hiding Joe remembers : ‘ In my early days I had a big following in Barnsley , bigger even than at home in Bradford and I played Alex there one night for a few pounds .
20 When I got the news of the assassination I had a heavy foreboding that U Saw was involved , and this indeed proved to be the case .
21 After 5 weeks I had a small nitrite reading and there was no trace of ammonia .
22 ‘ But unfortunately for him when he told me a bit about what was on the disk I had a blinding flash of inspiration . ’
23 As his hand reaches out for mine , I recollect that at one point in those early post-war years I had a positive dread of men in uniform , and my terror grew in direct proportion with each extra pip .
24 There is an expression , ‘ the unassailable complacency of the mother of eight ’ , and with Wilson I had the unassailable confidence of someone five feet eight inches high in the presence of a man she knows instinctively to admire tall women .
25 For a while I had a glorious feeling of anonymity , then the corporal , still shouting , glanced back .
26 Chris Christmas day I had a real chest erm and mouth and everything .
27 One day I had a mind-blowing experience ; I was sent on relief to Sainsbury 's Finchley Road shop .
28 But last night I had a strange dream , a terrible dream !
29 But one night I had a vivid dream of her , that she had died .
30 One night I had a vivid dream that to correct this error would bring us the wind .
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