Example sentences of "[noun] i [vb base] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd seen the card I put up in a local shop , advertising the top flat .
2 If I 'm going to a meeting where I know I 'm going to be the only woman I put my war paint on , if I 'm just going to be in the office all day I slob around in a skirt and a jumper with very little make up .
3 I know the person whose house , I mean , I 've spoken to Jane at some length and I 'll probably ring her tonight erm but erm , I , I might go around and see old erm tomorrow at a coffee morning I think up in the village
4 Q I live out in the open country and my adorable springer , Sally , is forever picking up ticks .
5 Half the decisions I read about in the newspapers . ’
6 I am writing to you for information about the kind of courses I read about in the article on the Features Page of last week 's Daily Telegraph which gave the address of your organization .
7 These issues I touch on in the latter part of the chapter .
8 Every time I go out in the rain or down a flooded road , the front carpets get soaked .
9 The only thing they do n't ask is what time I get up in the morning and what time I go to bed at night .
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