Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun sg] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The information required is proprioceptive : it has to provide a kind of internal sensation or perception in order to activate the correct response .
2 The memorandum committed the Japanese government to revise the application of the alien registration law to Koreans in order to replace the fingerprinting requirement with a record of family registration .
3 Article 11 , however , states that suitable proposals should be brought forward by 1997 for appropriate training for every general medical practitioner in order to satisfy the specific requirements of general medical practice .
4 If the government wishes to raise tax revenue in order to subsidize the poor , it should levy a tax on films .
5 She tried to persuade me someone stole one of her golf-clubs in order to attack the unfortunate Monsieur Gebrec . ’
6 I will examine the strategies used in HARPY , HWIM and two more recent systems , SPHINX and RM1 , and discuss how each system has adapted one or the other of the basic admissible algorithms in order to reduce the potential combinatorial explosion of word string hypotheses .
7 In applications of this kind the authors argue that geographic information management in general and GIS in particular have an important role to play and they give a number of examples from research in progress to illustrate the current state of the art in this field .
8 A report in the Israeli media on Nov. 8 said that following these elections a communiqué issued by the Hamas leadership in the diaspora referred to the importance of a " quiet dialogue " between Hamas and the PLO in order to avoid the violent public clashes between their members .
9 I make it down to Þingeyri in time to hear the good news that the plane has gone .
10 The intent is rather merely to summarize the account of his life as given by Taskopruzade and Mecdi in order to convey the general course of his career .
11 Simon explores the properties , associations and connotations of words in order to form the thematic basis of the novel .
12 But why should speakers or writers actually plan to say something in one way and then put it in other words in order to ensure the intended interpretation ?
13 There were suggestions that the KGB or the pro-Soviet Interfront group might have committed the crime in order to discredit the Estonian government as incapable of maintaining law and order .
14 The government must subsidise the rendering industry in order to avert the serious environmental threat posed by thousands of animals being abandoned or buried in the countryside , according to an investigating commission .
15 In Chapters 5 and 6 the Chart is allowed to run to completion in order to determine the worst-case effects of lexical ambiguity .
16 The vast majority of people buy oriental rugs in order to enhance the decorative integrity of their homes .
17 It is necessary however to acquaint the reader with a little of the previous involvements of Highlander in order to understand the basic idea which underlies its activities , and the evolution of its educational methods .
18 The need is to consider the economic life cycle of each alternative in order to determine the optimal replacement .
19 This involves brokers generating income by constantly and needlessly buying and selling investments for their clients in order to collect the heavy commissions which accrue .
20 Two years later she began using Bernard Berenson as her buyer of Italian old masters , although it might be said that Berenson was using her , praising each new find in breathless superlatives in order to get the best price out of his patroness .
21 It is necessary for prospective purchasers to undertake detailed market research and a site investigation , and to prepare a feasibility study in order to identify the highest value that may safely be put on the site .
22 Article 15 , in particular allows a state party to the Convention to take measures derogating from some of its obligations under the Convention ‘ In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation ’ to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation , whilst many of the individual articles establishing particular rights allow to a state a measure of liberty of action in order to secure the public interest .
23 But the antique mirrors , which at his direction had been cut into squares in order to line the dining-and-dance room , were now tarnished and occasionally flew off the wall ; and the two murals done by Matisse had been sold to Americans .
24 Now at least they are in the same boat , and the balancing of the pronouns in the last four lines declares their equality : I have quoted extensively from that sonnet in order to give the full context for this Our : what they have in common is that they have sinned , each has betrayed the other .
25 This was the basic reason for Britain 's poor investment record and profitability , and what was needed was the release of resources from the unproductive areas in order to rebuild the productive base .
26 There is an urgent need to progress the implementation of the Council Tax structure and to make appointments to Council Tax posts in order to meet the short timescale for the implementation of Council Tax from 1 April 1993 .
27 Committed to an ideal of ‘ astronomy without hypotheses , ’ he nevertheless chided Copernicus for having employed the ‘ most absurd fable in order to demonstrate the true facts of nature from false causes . ’
28 This is dramatized in table 9.5 , which presents the results of setting each coefficient at plus or minus two standard errors in order to illustrate the potential range of estimates for expenditure needs for an authority ; it must be stressed that this simple procedure overstates the true variability , but we do not have available sufficient information to enable a better assessment .
29 He flew to Hamburg at the beginning of May in order to attend the postponed ceremony for the Hanseatic-Goethe prize and to give an address on " Goethe the Sage " .
30 HLCAs there are fixed on the basis of continuing traditional management in order to perpetuate the existing landscapes .
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