Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun pl] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Higher education is also expected to rely more heavily on private sources of finance with polytechnics and universities competing for commercial , foundation and research council contracts and building up relationships with industry through consultancy and science parks .
2 Equally , inspectors and advisors will be involved in helping schools and colleges plan for in-service needs and the allocation of resources received through education support grants , preparation of curriculum statements , advice , monitoring and inspections .
3 LAKES and reservoirs used for public recreation may have to be shut during peak demand in the summer as increasing pollution causes toxic algae blooms .
4 Our new argument for the political virtues of conventionalism uses these distinctions to show why the line this theory draws between cases decided by law and cases calling for judicial legislation strikes the right balance between predictability and flexibility .
5 There are inevitably tensions and pressures created for social workers who are responsible for making long-term plans for children which may include separation from parents when working with natural parents .
6 Of course , Western Europe is providing financial and technical help and opportunities exist for experienced exporters , but a realistic , long-term view is essential .
7 Slightly more promising as a source of cinematic entertainment were the melodramatic novels to which Barker and others turned for narrative material .
8 A basic pack with video which covers skills and attitudes required for effective work with families in their homes .
9 a ) How can schools ensure that records of achievement provide evidence of the skills and aptitudes required for specific employers ' needs ? b ) Would n't it be unfair if employment tests were waived for Compact graduates , but maintained for non-Compact job applicants ? c ) If local policies are negotiated regarding this issue , what will be the implications for national companies ?
10 The intention was to address the needs of the majority of children through a combination of the ‘ broadly-based curriculum ’ and ‘ flexible teaching strategies ’ , and to use additional programmes and resources to cater for certain specific categories of need .
11 Gumbo Red — seafood and algae diet for marine fish
12 Switzerland already has a two-year-old automated futures and options exchange for blue-chip stocks called SOFFEX .
13 The vegetation of the field was analysed by ordination and correlation techniques which showed that only a minor part of the variation in species distribution could be accounted for by underlying edaphic factors , though in the peripheral areas of the pasture the presence of hedges and trees accounted for significant changes in the vegetation — e.g. Dadtylis glomerata occurred mainly in or close to the shade of the trees .
14 In the early development of computers there was a split between computers designed for scientific calculations and computers designed for commercial or business data processing .
15 The nurse 's assessment should reveal potential problems amenable to nursing action , whilst the doctor 's history , examination and investigations check for other problems such as chest infection or bronchitis , which can be dealt with medically before surgery .
16 Back in Saxon times they were used as diuretics and were just one of dozens of herbs , plants and berries taken for medical purposes .
17 The need that different socio-economic groups , age-groups , ethnic groups , males and females have for medical services differs because of their differing susceptibility and experience of morbidity and accidents .
18 But then I am not an undergraduate student trying to cope with all the new concepts and processes needed for modern literary studies .
19 In addition to providing the knowledge and skills needed for medical practice the new curriculum at the medical schools of the Royal London Hospital and St Bartholomew 's Hospital aims to foster lifelong learning and awareness of strengths , weaknesses , and learning needs .
20 Finally , because the examination is set on knowledge and abilities required for secondary school entry , and because all children do aspire to such entry , it forces teachers to cover material with their pupils whether they are able to understand it or not ; the very antithesis of sound pedagogy .
21 Many schools of nursing today have teaching machines and books designed for programmed instruction .
22 Broadcasting hours were doubled to twelve hours on weekdays and plans made for separate networks : the TBC was to have a ‘ National programme ’ in Swahili and a ‘ Second programme ’ in English .
23 ONCE UPON a time The Face was the style bible not of gits in fake fur-trimmed parkas and yups looking for new big ties , but of crazy over-made-up early '80s youth , for whom mum 's old curtains and too much eye-liner signified SEX and REVOLUTION .
24 From its international headquarters in Montreal , Canada , AMARC serves a network of African radio producers and , along with partner organisations on the continent , is developing training materials and resources appropriate for specific countries ' needs .
25 Thus , for example , the accounts of a Health Authority would disclose the salaries and wages cost for medical staff in the hospitals of the authority ; a secondary analysis would also provide costs per in-patient day .
26 It would enable staff to know what was expected of them , to have professional support and encouragement and opportunities provided for future improvement .
27 Magnetic hills and valleys stretch for huge distances across the ocean floor , and the whales appear to use the magnetic contour lines as invisible " roads " .
28 IBM Corp 's board has settled on a pay and benefits package for new chief executive Louis Gerstner , who takes up his post today , valued at over $7m : he will receive an annual salary of $2m , a one-time transition payment of $5m and a string of other incentives including a performance incentive potentially worth $1.5m a year , $500,000 long-term incentive tied to performance over three years and options on 500,000 IBM shares — far more than predecessor John Akers got .
29 In West Mercia , there have been regular reissues of Force Orders to remind members to be circumspect in their dissertations and essays prepared for part-time diplomas in Management Services or the NEBS qualification which is now an integral part of inspector training .
30 Perhaps , like the lungfish of today , they lived in pools that were seasonal and used lungs and legs to search for other water when their homes went dry .
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