Example sentences of "[noun] and [to-vb] [prep] [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 A hundred years of missionary effort had failed utterly ; its only effect had been to confirm the Abyssinians in their attachment to their ancient faith and to sow in them the seeds of xenophobia .
2 Will he ask his right hon. Friends the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for the Environment to bring that home to the support services and the district decision-takers in South Yorkshire and to urge on them the prior claim of South Yorkshire police at this time ?
3 The piece of stone or the log of wood selected is treated in an elaborate manner in order to divest it of its inert nature and to infuse into it the power to contain the divine image .
4 It did not of course escape Mommsen that there can hardly be a more foolish political speculation , " eine thorichtere politische Spekulation " , than to represent the Roman constitution as a mixed constitution and to derive from it the success of Rome ( Rom .
5 I thereupon telephoned Haines to tell him of my success and to urge upon him the necessity for extreme discretion , since what I had done was something of an embarrassment and I did not particularly wish to have my role publicised .
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