Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] me [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the porters nips out every day at five thirty to the off-licence and gets me a cold one . ’
2 The employee behind the check in desk gave me a huge smile and welcomed me to the airport , gave me my seat reservation card and wished me a good journey .
3 And thus I was brought , by the gracious providence of God , to that place which had the chiefest of my labours and yielded me the greatest fruits of comfort . ’
4 ‘ Mr Lloyd George came … and informed me that he is able to form an administration and told me the proposed names of his colleagues , ’ the King wrote in his diary .
5 She cocked her head on one side and gave me a long scrutiny , almost as though she had never seen me before .
6 Just as we were about to leave , Frank Dick called me to one side and gave me a blistering reprimand .
7 Some grain of self-preserving sense must have penetrated Rickie 's skull , for he suddenly dropped on to his heels and offered me a placatory grin .
8 The robot finished its work and showed me a little animal .
9 He straightens up his mac and gives me a real serious look .
10 The retort earned a laugh and gave me a split second to stop my heart from racing .
11 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
12 Being the only Leeds fan in a London inner city school with Alan Clarks famous speach about bring Success to Leeds in 3 Years , is causing me to go into cold shivers and giving me a pessimistic mood about the new season , I can still remember the years of telling school friends at the end of each season that we are rebuilding and that we would come up the next season .
13 Frustrated but secretly delighted that I had maybe caught him out with shoddy workmanship until an old fellow from Bernera stopped to give me a lift on the way past Carlaway and showed me the right ones , just before the main stones of Callanish .
14 I spent most of it attempting to get close enough to him so he could spike my other shin and give me a matching pair .
15 Can you advise me about the pros and cons and tell me the best way to retain their copper finish ?
16 The taxi driver leaned through his window at one point and passed me a small scrap of paper .
17 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
18 And when he would arrive from Barnard Castle with a heavy load of shopping on a bicycle and give me a nice round bun he would buy as a special treat from a shop called Guy 's .
19 He turned his head and gave me a direct look .
20 You never know who might mistake Armstrong for a real taxi and offer me a few quid as a friendly gesture for giving them a lift .
21 I suppose I thought she 'd either be fantastically frosty and sit on one of those little gilt chairs with a fancy gilt mirror behind her , or else be quite fat and red-faced and come in from the stove holding a wooden spoon and give me a huge embrace smelling of garlic and stockpot .
22 Everyone laughed , and the captain clapped me on the back and called me a good fellow .
23 Monty looked down his glasses and offered me a few censorious words .
24 Then Sir Alfred pulled in in his Bentley and promised me a free hand to design a car that worked .
25 He read my amusement and gave me a twisted grin .
26 ‘ It 's alright for some ’ , they say , as if my fairy godmother has miraculously waved her magic wand and offered me a real life Martini advert on a plate .
27 Thanks also to the kind young woman with two young children who helped me on the train and gave me an orange drink .
28 If I put a two there , I 'll have an extra three characters and gives me a full stop and two zeros .
29 ‘ Two sharks got into the perspex tunnel and believe me the startled look we got from Sean was not anything to do with his acting ability , ’ said Terence .
30 She reached between her and Aline and handed me a half-finished bottle of Irn-Bru .
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