Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] its [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The British studied the Plan and appreciated its importance for better Franco-German relations .
2 These six poems are a brief moment of religious experience in an age that believes religion to be a kind of defeatism and puts its hope for man in finding the right secular order .
3 I live close to the Union Canal and use its towpath for cycling , so my comments will relate to this and to the neighbouring Forth-Clyde Canal .
4 At the same time Wolff personally bought into the ailing Union Steamship Co. , with its services to South Africa , becoming a director and winning its custom for the yard .
5 Dilthey set out to construct a philosophy of history which would disclose the real nature of historical knowledge and establish its significance for modern culture .
6 The new features in Version 5.5 include a ‘ what you see is what you get ’ preview facility and extends its support for fonts to dot matrix printers .
7 The vendor will seek to reduce the risk by making disclosures and limiting its liability for breach of warranty .
8 When another objector pointed out that the Pan-Am jumbo jet which exploded in mid-air over Lockerbie in Scotland in December 1988 , killing 270 people and scattering its debris for miles , had just minutes earlier passed over the Chapelcross nuclear power station , the reality came frighteningly close .
9 Their mission is to pursue the TARDIS through time and space and to exterminate its crew for daring to interfere in Dalek plans .
10 Exploratory 's trustees want to raise £2 million from industry ( their main target is computer firms ) to set up the centre and guarantee its future for at least three years .
11 But the long-term effects upon the brain are to dull its critical faculties and to impair its capacity for memory and accuracy in all its functions .
12 THE SCOTTISH Milk Marketing Board has bowed to pressure and withdrawn its bid for the Co-op 's Scottish milk business .
13 Reformers who advocated social welfare regulation were motivated by ideals , but also by the desire to improve the productivity of the working class and to attract its support for particular political causes .
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