Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [pers pn] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This power also has proved to be potent on a truly universal level , with France in particular warming to the man 's work and awarding him its prestigious Chevalier of Arts and Letters , an honour doubtless of special significance to a writer who lists Flaubert and Stendhal as primary influences .
2 I eased out of the pockets and showed him my open , empty hands .
3 Morgan dipped in a little bow and gave her his best smile .
4 Clive ran a hand through his hair and gave me his wide-boy grin .
5 Shall I do that , Lissa — shall I hunt out your secrets and make them my own ? ’
6 By 1661 Gurle had raised the hardy nectarine Elruge and given it his own name reversed , with an extra e for euphony .
7 ‘ Bring me the women first , ’ Implexion had said , striding into the largest tent and making it his temporary headquarters .
8 QTs were delighted to hear that both and are making excellent progress and sent them our warmest wishes .
9 Galla , Somali , Gurage , people from the subject kingdom of Kaffa , negroes from the west , mingled on the streets with their Amhara and Tigrean overlords ; but it was these latter who dominated the scene , imposed their stamp upon the town and gave it its unique character .
10 Christ , in some mysterious way , takes upon himself our folly and failure and makes it his own , so that we may go free .
11 Hopefully he can recover and regain his test place and give it his best shot .
12 The pair have taken classic rock songs like Stairway to Heaven and given them their own distinctive treatment .
13 How many fifty-somethings would search out an almost incomprehensible hit single by a teenybop dance-pop group and make it his own ?
14 The trip was a great success , the subsequent Travels in the West exhibition proving very popular in Nanjing and giving him his first taste of newspaper and television attention .
15 Harvey scrambled up some roughly cut foot-holds , held on to a gnarled grey tree and offered me his other hand .
16 ‘ We have to adopt a really attacking policy and give it our best shot , ’ declared Roxburgh , who has recalled creative players in Celtic 's Paul McStay and John Collins along with Rangers skipper Richard Gough .
17 She ca n't spend all day monitoring my blood sugar and giving me my thyroid medicine , and if I ca n't paint I shall go mad ! ’
18 He summoned Chamberlain to see him again first thing the next morning and told him his new plan .
19 He woke me at two this morning and gave me his best horse and bid me not to stop till I had overtaken you on the way .
20 I took Friday to the other side of the island and showed him my big canoe .
21 You want to be very careful er , Mr Chairman , how we put out erm , information , I mean , let's face it , you know , you start sort of raising a lot of hairs if you 're not careful and if , if , even if it 's totally irrelevant people will latch on to a particular com comment and make it their own .
22 In any case , he recognized the success of Dej 's gambit and made it his own after 1964.4 In fact , when Khruschev was toppled by Brezhnev in the autumn of 1964 , three counts in the lengthy criticism of his methods that was levelled at Khruschev by the new Soviet leadership referred to his errors in his dealings with the Romanians .
23 interior and make it my own ?
24 You 're going to stand up in front of a hundred or so of your closest friends and tell them your deepest , most private thoughts . ’
25 Moreover , they interpret a piece of music and make it their own , even if they have never encountered the given orchestra until a few hours before .
26 She carried a pair of sun glasses in her left hand and offered me her right hand , smiling as she shook mine .
27 But she gave herself up to police and told them her real motive was to win attention for emotional problems .
28 If you do and they complete a report and give you their best advice you can still say no thank you I 'm going to put it in the building society .
29 When we have all the passengers , then we will refuel the plane and send you your other brother . ’
30 Each age and each individual has to make the imaginative effort to appropriate the religious tradition and make it their own , as Julian did .
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