Example sentences of "[noun] of which be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 IBM figures the commercial Unix marketplace is worth some $9.4b right now , 25% of which is accounted for by Unix OLTP solutions , a further 2% by Unix OLTP with a TP monitor .
2 Mixed institutions , the greater part of which were used for other than hospital purposes , were to remain with the local authority and would not be taken into the National Health Service .
3 Improved facilities for cyclists have started to happen at local level , largely because Lothian Region now has a 3-person cycle team , the existence of which was fought for , long and hard over many years .
4 The males have a well developed bursa and two spicules , the configuration of which is used for species differentiation .
5 Neidhart Wadding : A superfine polyester wadding with a high curl for greater loft , the surface of which is treated for ‘ slip ’ and softness .
6 Brahe complies , and they enter into a description of the accelerator and the experiment , the details of which are covered for the reader ( not for them ) by the engine noise :
7 The label 's ‘ Shostakovich Film Festival ’ ( ) is music from The Gadfly , Five Days and Five Nights , Hamlet — and , more dubiously , the Tahiti Trot ( which Shostakovich simply orchestrated for a wager after hearing a gramophone record of it — there 's no evidence he ever saw the son , better known as Tea for Two , performed on film or intended that his own version of it should be ) , and the First Piano Concerto ( some of the themes of which were recycled for a Soviet cartoon in 1933 ! ) .
8 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Parliament , the 109 members of which are elected for up to five years by universal adult suffrage .
9 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
10 In the Kingdom of Denmark legislative authority is vested jointly in the monarch and in a unicameral parliament ( Folketing ) , the 179 members of which are elected for a four-year term .
11 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Parliament , the 109 members of which are elected for up to five years by universal adult suffrage .
12 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
13 With the ACE ODT developers ' kit for DEC 's R3000-based machines under its belt ( UX No 366 ) , SCO has to decide whether to continue work on HAL , ACE 's hardware abstraction layer , a version of which is required for each port of ODT to an ACE member 's MIPS platform .
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