Example sentences of "[noun] it should [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the publication of such matter has not incurred penalties under the law it should not be excluded from libraries on any moral , political , religious or racial ground alone , to satisfy any sectional interest .
2 To get a true feeling for the plan it should also be applied to the Principal because although you have been paying a fixed amount in each month the value of this has also decreased due to inflation .
3 Owing to its high alkaline requirement it should only be grown with those plants with the same preference .
4 For a senior job it should not be regarded as a burden to see 12 people and then draw up a short list of three or four .
5 For the record it should also be noted that the Labour Court was advised that our claim , on behalf of Bank Assistants , was lodged before the P.E.S.P. was agreed as a National pay arrangement .
6 He later remarked that if the government was to fulfil its role it should not be affiliated to any party , and it therefore followed that the Premier should not belong to any party either .
7 The procedure is often of great value , but it 's suggested that for two reasons it should only be used in urgent cases — both out of consideration for Land Registry staff , and to avoid the possibility of their being swamped by too many such applications , resulting in delay , which would defeat the whole purpose of the operation .
8 IN humility it should probably be mentioned that having overcome the first two rounds of the Darlington and District 5s and 3s knock out , feckless Falchion B have finally succumbed .
9 And of course it should also be borne in mind that cost-effectiveness is not the only consideration in assessing the value of such a scheme .
10 Instead we will discuss together all design variations in each particular field ; within a field it should not be assumed that the more complex facilities are the later ones , since evolution has often been towards simplifying systems from the programmer 's viewpoint .
11 Although Figure 4 looks like a sociogram it should not be treated as such .
12 The readership to be considered was the actual or at least predictable reading public rather than the precocious fourteen-year-old schoolgirl into whose hands it might perchance fall — unless it were in fact aimed at or distributed to fourteen-year-old schoolgirls , by whose vulnerability to corruption it should then be judged .
13 As a general principle it should not be imagined that all economic , social , and above all political repercussions were of a vertical central — local nature or vice versa .
14 If the haemoglobin remains normal after a year it should then be checked after a further year or sooner if the patient becomes symptomatic .
15 This suggests that in studies of material representation it should not be assumed that the consumption of a given group will be represented as a coherent and consistent set of forms .
16 Yet , while accepting that the working class was wedded to the Labour Party it should not be ignored that such support was also nurtured by a much improved Labour organization , despite Howard 's contrary view .
17 Whether or not one regards this as a prime example of the way in which a political settlement was undercut by the optimism of those Frenchmen who believed in a military solution it should also be pointed out , as Irving does , that ‘ Any policy which might have been construed as the abandonment of Indo-China would have been rejected by the National Assembly in 1947 , if not by an overwhelming majority , then at least by a decisive one ’ but this , in turn , did nothing to resolve the US dilemma .
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