Example sentences of "[noun] it [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although they are not involved in the formal festivities it is known the Duke of York and the Queen wanted them nearby so they could enjoy seeing the children .
2 In the majority , however , this is the task of the account executive , whose job it is to take the client 's brief , ask the appropriate questions , and translate the brief into clear objectives for the creative team to work to .
3 Artists based outside London should certainly make it their business to locate each publication 's local ‘ stringer ’ whose job it is to reflect the scene in their own city or town .
4 whose job it is to make the decision about how to deal with it .
5 In a traditional ‘ non-contact ’ competition without padding or restrictions , save that the opponents must never actually touch , each bout lasts roughly three minutes and is overseen by three judges whose job it is to study the accuracy and intended force of each blow .
6 ‘ Separate beds it is to minimise the infection , as much liquids as they can take , except milk .
7 ‘ That 's exactly the same as telling the wall it 's hurt the person who just banged his head on it .
8 But despite the obvious problems it 's hoped the unit will be operational within two weeks .
9 No for a while it 's flashing the orange .
10 What a relief it is to know the name of the instrumentalist or conductor concerned and to listen to a programme of records where music takes precedence over ‘ talk for talk 's sake ’ .
11 And there 's also some cases where er the plans have actually partially lapsed since last renewal and in which case it 's quoting the premium they 're paying now which is a lot less than the premium they were paying at renewal .
12 As the purpose of teaching is to produce a planned change in students , it is essential that those whose responsibility it is to produce the change should be clear not only about their intentions but about the assumptions on which those intentions are based .
13 And in focusing on some problem areas it 's possible to fail to give an impression of the enormous privilege it is to serve the church and her lord in social responsibility .
14 Because there 's not the ingredients in the cleanser that there is the moisturizer and if you have any cleanser on the skin it 's blocking the work of the moisturizer .
15 With a high resistance it 's resisting the current , it 's stopping the current .
16 Within minutes it 's proved the baby is anaemic .
17 Instead , the only thing it is hoped the VAT receipts will help insulate is the Chancellor of the Exchequer himself , from further scathing criticism of his massive borrowings .
18 I do n't know if you realize what hell it is to leave the life one leads , and go to a new city where one knows no-one and nowhere to go .
19 The beer will have labels giving all the information it is felt the beer consumer needs .
20 For parents , whose duty it is to educate the family in the proper and responsible use of the audiovisual media , that they may enlighten and guide their children in the appreciation of wholesome audio and video cassettes .
21 For parents , whose duty it is to educate the family in the proper and responsible use of the audiovisual media , that they may guide and enlighten their children in the appreciation of wholesome audio and video cassettes .
22 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
23 Mind way it 's putting the garden out there it never died off , must of been wild or something .
24 By the end of April next year it is hoped the project will have created between six and eight additional walks , in locations which have yet to be decided .
25 However , if there is one occupation in life that is more pointless than others it is regretting the past . ’
26 Applix Inc claims it 's battering the heck out of Uniplex Ltd , especially in Europe where folks are reportedly getting sick and tired of waiting for Uniplex 's graphical upgrade .
27 In fact it 's increasing the demand exceeds the supply at the moment .
28 The most important elements specifically missing from both of these formulations are the professional purveyors of the culture-ideology of consumerism , the mass media and promotional personnel whose task it is to sell the consumerist goals of the global capitalist system to the masses .
29 So long as these considerations are borne in mind by those whose task it is to apply the section , and the public order requirements of the offence are rigidly insisted upon by the courts , only such speech as is likely to give rise to immediate unlawful violence is in jeopardy , and that should be outside the protection afforded freedom of speech in a democracy .
30 Each group is aided by a tutor or consultant , whose task it is to help the group with the feedback aspects .
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