Example sentences of "[noun] it [vb mod] well [be] that " in BNC.

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1 Held , allowing the appeal , the problem was considered in Mann ( 1972 ) 56 Cr.App.R. 750 where Lord Widgery C.J. had said that if an accused remained silent in response to every question it might well be that the evidence of the onesided dialogue should not be admitted .
2 Mr Sheffield said as Mr Elderfield was not complying with his medication it may well be that he had some form of epileptic fit but it could not be said with complete confidence .
3 They came to the conclusion that trusts offered a significant advantage only in their Republican days ; in that period it may well be that peregrines and other disadvantaged classes made good use of them .
4 This can be seen in the example of river action : in climates with rain at all seasons erosion and deposition are almost continuous except in so far as they are varied by floods ; in areas marginal to ice sheets the short periods of summer thaw , which result in enormous increases in the discharge of meltwater streams issuing from the ice , are the significant ones ; in deserts it may well be that the isolated rainfall , occurring perhaps once every five or ten years , is of greater significance than anything else .
5 If there were any genuine cultural universals it could well be that they are universal because they are " natural " , i.e. a part of our genetic endowment .
6 In certain cases it might well be that the defendant 's ignorance will not help him .
7 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
8 Take us and Europe now , is n't it odd that , after two world wars , in which our men who died , our nations sacrificed themselves in fighting what was thought to be the great German danger , we now find ourselves at least as much hostile to our allies in both of those wars — the French — as we do to the Germans , and if one could measure this sort of thing it might well be that in the British public at large you would find more sympathy towards the Germans than the French .
9 On the other hand it may well be that you plan to reset the nets somewhere else and net again that same night .
10 Thus , for example , in a police operational matter it may well be that one individual must make a decision and make that decision quickly .
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