Example sentences of "[noun] it [vb mod] [adv] [be] used " in BNC.

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1 Due to its sheer weight it can only be used at the Centre by special permission of the Department of Transport .
2 Rated at four channels of 50 watts each into 8 ohms it can also be used in bridged format to produce the equivalent of a normal stereo amplifier rated at 10 watts mono plus 50 watts stereo. ) the Units will cost £229.99 .
3 Once we play the card of the threat of recognition it can not be used again .
4 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
5 In the UK it will only be used under the law according to the 1967 Abortion Act , so no one will be able to get it over the counter at the chemist 's , nor will it be prescribed by GPs .
6 Once it crosses the centre-line it can only be used immediately as a back fist .
7 The procedure is often of great value , but it 's suggested that for two reasons it should only be used in urgent cases — both out of consideration for Land Registry staff , and to avoid the possibility of their being swamped by too many such applications , resulting in delay , which would defeat the whole purpose of the operation .
8 Of course it can also be used in a network environment to monitor disc usage of each user .
9 With the right accessories it can also be used for metal filing , wood and plastic rasping , and for brushing !
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