Example sentences of "[noun] it [modal v] [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Having selected a remedy it must now be given , but first I would like to put in a little reassurance .
2 At a congress in Stockholm in late May 1990 , delegates from the Left Party — Communists ( Vänsterpartiet — Kommunisterne — VPK ) voted by a large majority to drop " communist " from the party name , so that in future it would simply be known as Vänsterpartiet .
3 That had stopped the Ministry ‘ dead in its tracks ’ and it had come to the conclusion that if it denied premium to the rearer of suckled calves it would eventually be challenged by a hill farmer before the European Court .
4 Due to its sheer weight it can only be used at the Centre by special permission of the Department of Transport .
5 Rated at four channels of 50 watts each into 8 ohms it can also be used in bridged format to produce the equivalent of a normal stereo amplifier rated at 10 watts mono plus 50 watts stereo. ) the Units will cost £229.99 .
6 But to test , for example , the assumption about item difficulty being independent of the student requires assuming that ability is unidimensional ; in other words it can not be tested !
7 All the rest depend on this being present , for if a procedure is not appropriate to a particular patient 's condition it can not be judged quality care ( Shaw undated ) .
8 On the basis of the experimental data it must also be concluded that the adverse entropy contribution to poly ( A+U ) from U-U stacking is relatively small .
9 In the context of the debate on continuation schools it can best be understood through an examination of two of its principal features , namely , political stability , which of necessity included social harmony , and what has been called the ‘ civic ideal ’ , which meant service to the community .
10 Even if a child took a whole bottle full of remedies it would not be harmed !
11 And in the coming months it can reasonably be anticipated that many of those currently looking for employment will be successful .
12 Once we play the card of the threat of recognition it can not be used again .
13 In many wills it would not be needed ; but some of the texts examined show it playing a more vital role .
14 Charles 's appointments were of better men , but he used Laud , Williams , Juxon and others as his highest secular officials ; in that capacity it could hardly be expected that they would not be the subject of the same Parliamentary criticism as were laymen .
15 As seen , Lord Greene M.R. in the Wednesbury case conceived of unreasonableness in its substantive sense , as a long stop and a fairly extreme one at that : if an exercise of discretion successfully negotiated the hurdles of improper purpose and relevancy it could still be invalidated on the altar of substantive unreasonableness if it was so unreasonable that no reasonable body could reach such a decision .
16 In company law it can equally be argued that by casting trustee-like duties on directors so that they are required to act only in the interests of the shareholders the law aims to ensure that the will of the shareholders is implemented .
17 Some legal experts held that , even if the death sentence were reintroduced , under Peruvian law it could not be passed retroactively on Guzmán .
18 If the publication of such matter has not incurred penalties under the law it should not be excluded from libraries on any moral , political , religious or racial ground alone , to satisfy any sectional interest .
19 It was a bit of a Catch 22 situation because without signing the car could not be tested and without a test it could not be driven on the road . ’
20 To get a true feeling for the plan it should also be applied to the Principal because although you have been paying a fixed amount in each month the value of this has also decreased due to inflation .
21 Owing to its high alkaline requirement it should only be grown with those plants with the same preference .
22 The rules of the scheme provide that the application for arbitration must be made within nine months of the date of return from the holiday but in special circumstances it may still be offered outside this period .
23 The rules of the scheme provide that the application for arbitration must be made within nine months of the date of return from the holiday , but in special circumstances it may still be offered outside this period .
24 In these circumstances it can fairly be said that there was no medical evidence favouring such ventilation , although it was clearly possible that within the paediatric medical speciality some consultant of repute could be found who took a different view .
25 ‘ It 's some consolation that it has been found but it 's a shame it could n't be retrieved in time for Remembrance Sunday .
26 For a senior job it should not be regarded as a burden to see 12 people and then draw up a short list of three or four .
27 The counterpart is that by its nature it can not be shared with those who by disposition or location are incapable of being represented in the Parliament of the United Kingdom .
28 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
29 In an adult population it can not be excluded on the grounds of age alone .
30 Finland virtually makes permanent immigration impossible , but until the collapse of the USSR it could hardly be described as a clear and present danger .
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