Example sentences of "[noun] it [modal v] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 From an infant 's fluttering speed it would go through the thickening slowness of adult life to the full stop of a corpse .
2 Forgetting prejudice it would seem from the table that the objective equivalence of these two unrecommended activities is straightforward .
3 Most of this chapter is devoted to a description of five sets of case studies of the new technology , showing the wide variety of different impacts it can make on the nature of work .
4 In other words it must belong to the period before 507 .
5 But the FA 's reply confirmed that they would not allow the match to take place because they were worried about the effect it might have on the pitch .
6 No one , in those early days of nuclear weaponry , seemed to have anticipated the adverse effect it would have on the men sheltering below .
7 The model developed in chapter 4 suggested that only the unpredictable component of aggregate demand would cause output to deviate from its natural level , and the more unpredictable it was the less effect it would have on the deviation of real output from its natural rate .
8 Mr Brighton , erm before I turn to another speaker , your comment about the location of a new settlement , and the likely effect it would have on the West Yorkshire conurbation , er I presume from what you 've said is that effectively the new settlement , if you have one , its location should be such as to serve the needs of York and Greater York , and therefore the further it is away from the West Yorkshire conurbation , or the West side of North Yorkshire , the more likely it is to fulfil that function .
9 After two months , they finally voted the plans out by five votes to four — their reasons included an objection to the height of the pyramid and the effect it would have on the view of the city , the loss of trees in the meadow and the huge shadow it would cast over most of Oxford .
10 The introduction of the National Curriculum from the child 's point of view is to be judged against the effect it will have on the world which children and teachers occupy .
11 What effect it will have on the result , heaven only knows .
12 ‘ It has obviously set back our restoration work , ’ Mr Rutter said , ‘ but the worst aspect is the effect it will have on the morale of volunteers .
13 ‘ We are surprised at the decision and we fear the effect it could have on the battle against doping .
14 In general the local reaction welcomed the prospect of development : ‘ The excitement created by the discovery of the mine and the expected bonanza it would bring to the area also dampened opposition .
15 Although it has a long history , the paradox of the Prisoners ' Dilemma has recently been much studied for the light it may shed on the evolution of altruistic or cooperative behaviour .
16 Computer staff at the Royal Bank of Scotland have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a series of one day strikes.If they decide to take industrial action it will result in the shutdown of the Bank 's computer system and the closure of their Cashline network .
17 The major advantage of the new proposal , from Ivan 's point of view , was the additional revenue it would bring to the central treasury , for his offer was conditional on a steep rise in the rate of taxation .
18 They claimed that despite the hundreds of years of Polish independence , ‘ the East ’ owed what little civilisation it could muster to the efforts of the Germans .
19 Kingfisher risks having its bid held up by a Monopolies Commission investigation because of the grip it would have on the electrical retailing market if it controlled Dixons and Currys as well as Comet .
20 An extract from the gland is white in colour , but there " will presently appear a pleasant light green colour ; and if placed in the sun it will change into the following colours : light green , deep green , full sea green , watchet blue , purplish red , very-deep purple red " ( Cole , 1685 , quoted by Baker , 1974 ) .
21 Her mother and father are worried about the mess it will make in the house , how to look after it , etc .
22 As Dr Bennett , an expert on ovarian and uterine diseases , put it , because of the influence it would have on the character of English women ‘ it must not be used for virgins ’ .
23 And anyone who has ever seen the devastating effects of alcohol addiction on the alcoholic , his or her friends and family will understand only too well the dramatic and destructive influence it can have on the lives of all concerned .
24 invites the Bar Council to consider as a matter of urgency the legal assistance it can provide to the families of the victims of racial murders ; and
25 It was the end of Azhag and of the Waaagh — with a single blow the Orc horde had been defeated , and after the battle it would disperse into the forests and hills .
26 It may function as a store of wealth , so that an individual or society can put away the wealth it may generate as the surplus between production and consumption .
27 It seems likely , however , that the low prevalence among children is largely a consequence of inability to ascertain pre-onset cases , while among parents it could stem from the effect of Crohn 's disease on marital relationships with reduced fertility , either through complications of the disease in women or reversible azoospermia during sulphasalazine treatment in men .
28 Because of the kudos it can bring at the golf club , once there they are hard to dislodge .
29 If the hull is tilted to the right it will steer to the left whilst it will veer right for a leftward tilt .
30 From the outside it can seem like the Netherlands is a gay paradise , and compared to Britain it probably is .
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