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1 Perhaps , too , he may have believed that once the gloss on my love affair dimmed , his money would act as a reminder of the comforts to which I could return .
2 However , while this tells us how not to solve the problem , it is less clear what positive steps we are to take — a dilemma to which I shall return later in the chapter .
3 Not all objectors to the Hinkley C plan supported such a straightforward advocacy of coal , especially with the growing problems of acid rain pollution and the greenhouse effect to which I shall return in Part Three .
4 They had been thinking of a job in Parma to which I would commute daily ; but this one sounded very interesting , something after my own heart .
5 This is an issue to which I shall return later in this chapter , when I consider relationships between siblings specifically .
6 Whether this is the case in contemporary societies is an issue to which I shall return in later chapters .
7 There has been , as I have emphasised , no criticism of his judgment on the material that was before him and besides those to which I have already drawn attention , there are two other matters to which I should make reference .
8 How they are set is a difficult question to which I shall return , but those who decry as too narrow the scope of a Convention running to over a hundred Articles must surely embody the resuscitated spirit of Oliver Twist who will always cry for more !
9 He stopped as he heard her gasp , then went on steadily , ‘ But I have a question to which I 'd like to know the answer .
10 The local authority , the Croydon London Borough Council , had applied to the justices in circumstances to which I will refer for an interim care order .
11 We intend to ask the local government commission , which we hope to set up , to consider whether people want unitary authorities to be treated as part of historical counties for certain traditional or non-administrative purposes such as sport , a theme to which I shall return .
12 On the one hand — and this is a point to which I shall return — there is a dual claim against Lukács ' evolutionism ( to the effect that different levels of a social formation are relatively autonomous : crudely , if bourgeois society is decadent this does not necessarily mean , as Lukács thought it did , that its art is too ) , and in favour of the possibility of being able to pass a positive ‘ aesthetic judgement ’ upon a particular work however questionable the general category under which it has been produced ( a position related to Brecht 's polemic against Lukács ) .
13 Most importantly , this brotherhood was seen as extending laterally across a generation , vertically to fathers , grandfathers , sons and grandsons , and ultimately to God — a point to which I shall return .
14 This idea that relatives will acknowledge their responsibilities more effectively if alternatives are kept to the minimum has retained a strong hold on British social policy — a point to which I shall return .
15 One important distinction between the two writers is that Bentham became much more favourably disposed towards the prison as a medium of criminal reformation than Beccaria appeared to be ( a point to which I shall return later ) .
16 The problem is not length as such but the infrequency and brevity of meetings at which the scientific work is conducted , a point to which I shall return towards the end of this paper .
17 This is a point to which I shall return in the concluding chapter .
18 The Hon. Member for Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ( Mr. Graham ) who is just out for a moment , made a particular point to which I should like to respond .
19 Pop videos themselves are consistently reactionary in their sexual imagery ( and this is an aspect of the cooption of new pop to which I will return ) if only because they draw on visual conventions of masculinity and femininity ( taken from cinema history and television commercials ) that are much more coherent than pop 's adolescent ambiguities .
20 Subject to one argument to which I shall come , concerning the proper application of the relevant insolvency rule , Hambros Jersey does not challenge the judge 's view that , if the court has jurisdiction to grant leave to serve these section 238 proceedings on Hambros Jersey out of the jurisdiction , this was a proper case for the court to exercise its discretion in favour of granting leave .
21 The next English authority to which I must refer is Avon Finance Co .
22 For instance , I can see that writing this book is a function of my job and as such is part of the responsibility of earning a living , but it is also an escape for me , a kind of haven to which I can take refuge from the hundred and one pressures that impinge on the practical business of living .
23 Such doubts as exist stem from the power which curriculum control gives to the curriculum designers ( a topic to which I will return in later chapters ) .
24 For reasons to which I shall refer later I do not think that we should do that .
25 Anyway , if the right hon. Gentleman had remained in the Chamber , he would have realised that much of what he said was total nonsense , for reasons to which I shall turn in a moment .
26 The survivors are shown in Figure 5.2 ( along with certain isotopes of H , C and N to which I shall turn in the next section ) .
27 Found local Handbook of Voluntary Organizations and Community Groups to which I will send begging letters .
28 Most planners and managers , though they pay lip-service to the idea that users should have some influence on the way services develop , do not in fact involve users very much in the planning process , and there is no service in Britain to which I can point at present were users get anywhere near having a significant influence .
29 On another occasion , and because I felt he was a remote figure of whom the public knew nothing , I asked if he would be guest at an off-the-record private dinner-party to which I would invite half a dozen senior media people such as Robin Day , Perry Worsthorne of the Sunday Telegraph , and Tony Howard of the Observer for an exchange of views .
30 This is a subject to which I shall return , but for the moment I prefer to confine myself to the typical picture and to show where my own circumstances coincided with it or diverged from it .
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