Example sentences of "[noun] to be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Instead we can design a computer which has as its instruction set a set of primitive operations ( or micro-instructions ) , to cause control signals to be Sent to the various parts of the computer , and data to be transferred from one processor register to another .
2 Those Catholic teachers who are already qualified who wish to take this course , and are considered by St Andrew 's College suitable candidates to be admitted to the course .
3 Thérèse said : the Church says we have to pray for the Jews to be converted to the one true faith .
4 Last year The Mary Whitehouse Experience became the first TV programme to be reported to the Broadcasting Standards Council after a derogatory sketch about Going For Gold star Henry Kelly was shown .
5 Such a system would demand a truly interactive use of computers in a way that allows the very different capabilities of the computer and the human mind to be used to the full .
6 UNION leaders yesterday paved the way for the electricians to be readmitted to the TUC — four years after they were expelled .
7 Accordingly , he suggested separate facilities at each exchange for dealing with juveniles ; notices with information about the exchanges were to be displayed in schools ; lists of prospective school-leavers to be sent to the local exchange with details of their ‘ ability , tastes and desires ’ ; and each school-leaver to be told to call at the exchange for an interview .
8 We could specify in which hand the draw-sheet is to be held , which arm the nurse is to use to support the patient , the degree of tension to be applied to the draw-sheet to make it taut and smooth .
9 There was FDP resentment at Adenauer 's domination of government , and over his consideration of an electoral reform which would make it even more difficult for small parties to be elected to the Bundestag .
10 Is it not short-sighted for both Opposition parties to be pledged to the abolition of this scheme ?
11 The tablets she found later and took them to the Social Work Department to be sent to the child .
12 It is possible for some urethral discharge from the penis to be transferred to the seat if the male is sitting down ; and if a second male should accidentally touch the same part of the seat soon afterwards with his penis , then infection could be acquired .
13 As evidence of funds availability it may not be appropriate for actual funds to be deposited to the firm 's account .
14 Among new measures ( i ) a new " tax exempt special savings account " would be introduced from January 1991 ; and ( ii ) the rate of pool betting duty would be reduced for a five-year period to release funds to be devoted to the improvement of safety and conditions at football grounds [ for April 1989 Hillsborough stadium disaster see p. 36597 ] .
15 The weight to be given to the normally competing values of equity and efficacy is a persistent problem both in setting or reviewing standards and in enforcing them .
16 It is submitted that element ( ii ) , and to some extent element ( iii ) , go to the weight to be given to the parliamentary material and have no proper place in the formulation of a rule regulating the admissibility of the material .
17 ‘ Almost all of the countries that replied to the questionnaire appeared to have legal rules which were at least adequate to permit the use of computer evidence and to permit the court to make the evaluation necessary to determine the proper weight to be given to the data ’ ( A/CN.9/265 , p.21 ) .
18 Thus in Reg. v. Pestano [ 1981 ] Crim.L.R. 397 it was held by the Court of Appeal that the credibility of evidence given by a witness inconsistent with a statement previously made by him was a matter for the jury to consider , subject to a proper warning by the judge as to the weight to be attached to the evidence .
19 The relative weight to be attached to the different characteristics of the vehicle depends upon which market it is aimed at .
20 This type of informal intervention in turn increased confusion over the weight to be attached to the enterprise 's different objectives , and made it harder to co-ordinate political goals and express them in a coherent manner .
21 Professor Heiz called for a six-month period of study to be devoted to the Corbie site before work proceeds on the school .
22 I think it convenient in this judgment first to set out the salient facts of the case , as found by the judge , and then to consider the authorities from which must be extracted the principles of law and equity to be applied to the facts .
23 Nor do they need their daily practice to be exposed to the analytic eye of anthropological ‘ thick description ’ , for in their task-driven world there is little to be gained by reflecting on what they already live and understand .
24 It is not , however , a practice to be recommended to the inexperience unless under expert advice .
25 There are moves to incorporate a faster bus locally on the card , this will allow data to be passed to the processor at a speed to suit the card design .
26 As he watched his enemy climb into a teacher 's car to be driven to the dentist , Richard felt agitated by a mixture of anger , fear and pleasure .
27 She had Elisa taken to her car to be driven to the house a few streets away .
28 He called the RAC once more and arranged for the car to be taken to the edge of Brighton .
29 At an extraordinary hearing on April 4 , the prosecution and defence disagreed the final version of the indictment to be submitted to the jury ; Noriega , in his only appearance on the witness stand , successfully contested the inclusion in the indictment of the evidence of a key opposition informant , a convicted Colombian drug-trafficker , Boris Olarte .
30 Those of us who desperately want Czechoslovakia , Poland and Hungary to be admitted to the European Community during this decade , with the transition over by the year 2000 before they are economically ready for it , have to accept that majority voting will be needed if the single market is to be operational in former command communist economies .
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