Example sentences of "[noun] to [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The COSHH regulations are designed to protect workers ' health by requiring substances in the workplace to be identified and the potential risks to health associated with the use of those substances to be assessed .
2 I wept at the loss to science caused by the slaughter of the mother , but soon dried my eyes as Lorraine Travis , the honorary secretary of the British Mule Society , said she thought that the foal in the photograph was a donkey and not a mule , and so did several of her knowledgeable friends .
3 The new Chairman , one of three nominees to SCRE appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland , is Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Heriot Watt University .
4 It rested on the myth that the peasantry were instinctively socialist and that it was possible for Russia to bypass capitalism , moving directly from semi-feudalism to socialism based on the peasant commune .
5 The alternative to incrementalism provided by the rational perspective is zero-based review .
6 He believed in Jesus , and an essential part of his coming to faith rested on the exact correspondence he observed between what Jesus had said and what in fact had happened .
7 She questions the selection procedures for students with difficulties and disabilities and discusses the barriers to participation posed by the arrangement of the buildings and people 's attitudes .
8 If his work needs to be considered in the context of the contemporary politics of the Communist Party , as several commentators have stressed , it also requires reference to work done in the history of the sciences , particularly that of Gaston Bachelard in the history of physics and chemistry , his pupil Georges Canguilhem in the life sciences , and Jean Cavaillès in mathematics .
9 Aspirations to independence parted from the reality of dependence .
10 At the same time lower the attitude to amount associated with the power change .
11 In his work in Northern Ireland in the late 1970s , Richard Jenkins ( 1983 ) found that responses to unemployment depended upon the social group to which a young person belonged .
12 As previously reported , the H pylori positive patients with DU and the H pylori positive healthy controls had similarly exaggerated integrated gastrin responses to eating compared with the H pylori negative healthy controls .
13 ( a ) which provide footnotes to material cited in the main body of your report ( including author , title , place of publication , publisher and year of publication ) ; and ( b ) which elaborates important but subsidiary ideas that were too detailed to be contained in the body of the report .
14 At the same time , since the Pomerene Act applies to bills of lading issued in the United States , consignees abroad would be justified in characterizing the right to possession conferred by the Pomerene ‘ straight ’ bill , as enforceable by mere identification .
15 The case brought under this law , Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey , involved a further examination of the constitutional protection of the right to abortion contained within the 1973 landmark ruling , Roe v. Wade .
16 This was claimed to be contrary to the right to property guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment .
17 First , the Freedom of Information Acts give an individual a right to information possessed by the government about him or her and the government may have to justify non-disclosure in court .
18 However , the furore aroused by the rail link , and continued opposition in Ashford to development associated with the new international railway station , show that , whatever the future benefits of development might be , a substantial proportion of the population wants no part of it .
19 In three months the whole area embraced by the several reports was closely examined and this potential danger to shipping erased from the charts .
20 Norway is a long thin country , only about fifteen kilometres wide near Narvik and Fauske , yet 1,800 kilometres from nose to toe measured along the crow-flying line .
21 There are other aids to dryness discussed in the chapter ‘ Taking care of yourself ’ .
22 ‘ that , although , by the indulgence of the court , a statutory tenant might be permitted to continue to occupy premises after the making of an order for possession , he was not , during such a period of occupation , a statutory tenant with all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts which he had enjoyed before the order for possession was made ; and , consequently , the daughter could not claim protection as a ‘ tenant ’ under section 12 , subsection ( 1 ) … ’
23 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
24 If true this undermines any claim to efficiency made for the market economy .
25 The Justice Ministry said that Judge Ahmed Taher al-Zawi would be seeking access to evidence held by the British and US legal authorities .
26 This type of work avoids the issue of providing synonym access to information stored in the microcomputer — a problem heightened by the increased access to information through keywords and a release from the restraints of card-based subject indexes and catalogues .
27 We believe that the public should have access to information held by the pollution control authorities .
28 For example , the procedure whereby files were requested ( ie using a messenger service ) appeared to cause unacceptable delays with access to information held in the Registry .
29 Each employee plays a part in taking the product from its beginnings as raw PVC to flooring installed at the customer 's premises .
30 There was in fact a mixture of elitism and anti-elitism in the mass media policies of the Government , which had consistently refused to introduce television on the mainland , in contrast to action taken by the Revolutionary Council of Zanzibar and the governments of most other independent African states .
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