Example sentences of "[noun] have been [verb] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The decision has been made on financial conditions and not to meet the needs of the team .
2 A great deal of progress has been made on equal rights .
3 Whilst in the past some reliance has been placed on low melting point plastics and the thermal shock effects on asbestos cement sheeting to provide a degree of ventilation , consequential to a fire , experience indicates that such faith can be misplaced .
4 The Royal Navy have intensified their patrols and the Special Boat Squadron has been put on alert .
5 It has also been suggested that several of these pagus centres were later promoted to the rank of civitas capitals in their own right ; examples for which a case has been made on epigraphic grounds in Britain include Carlisle , Ilchester and Water Newton .
6 A man accused of killing his 21-year-old girlfriend has been released on conditional bail by Sedgefield magistrates .
7 Much of the violence has been blamed on mysterious ‘ vigilantes ’ who have attacked township commuters refusing to pay their fares in solidarity with the strikers .
8 The scheme which offers help to people aged 70 and over discharged from the accident and emergency department has been run on short-term funding for over five years .
9 For the past 30 years almost all economic analysis of decision making in situations of risk and uncertainty has been based on expected utility theory .
10 Since that time , more than £1.51m has been spent on crime-fighting schemes , with running costs adding a further £100,000-a-year .
11 The experiment has been performed on European starlings .
12 Active flight is used by many animals to escape predators , and a particularly elegant study has been made on noctuid moths by Roeder .
13 I was no closer to knowing the selection procedure , as my conversations about this with the other recruits had been based on mere speculation and gossip .
14 The success of the party 's resistance to Home Rule had been founded on absolute faith that it was the most important issue , but by 1914 this was no longer the case .
15 It was reported on Sept. 6 that three Iranians had been arrested on similar charges in Istanbul .
16 Kendall never claimed , of course , that this method could ever be accurate enough to pinpoint where the archaeologist should sink his spade , but rather that it could help in choosing between a number of possible locations to which the search had been restricted on other grounds .
17 The new offices have been obtained on advantageous terms , the refurbishment costs being offset against a significantly lower rent .
18 A whole family employed in the Midlands engineering industry have been living on supplementary benefit for two years : the grandparents in their mid-40s , two married sons with children and a teenager living at home .
19 All her savings have been spent on unpaid bills left behind by her husband .
20 Some six-row barleys have been cut on light land south of Worcester , but little else has come under the knife , according to John Sturt of Midland Shires Farmers .
21 THOUSANDS of homes have been relying on stored water supplies following a discharge of diesel oil into the River Tees .
22 The river avon between Tewkesbury and Pershore has been put on red flood alert , it 's banks swollen by torrential rain .
23 More work has been done on cross-hole seismic tomographic systems in collaboration with CEDEX : a high-power spark source and matched active receivers are now available for use in difficult environments .
24 Experimental work has been done on other human joints but there is nothing which tells us about , for example , the impedance of the wrist .
25 It has been extensively investigated for large mammals ( Brain , 1958 , 1974 , 1981 ; Voorhies , 1969 ; Sutcliff , 1970 ; Behrensmeyer , 1975 ; Klein , 1975 ; Hill , 1975 ; Shipman , 1977 , 1983a ; Behrensmeyer & Hill , 1980 ; Binford , 1981 ) , but little work has been done on small mammals .
26 Extensive numerical work has been done on turbulent flows .
27 Little sociological work has been done on Scottish agriculture ; hardly any of it on large-scale capitalist agriculture which would permit comparisons with English , Canadian and American investigations .
28 What is surprising is that so few feminist researchers in the sociology of education have chosen to look at higher education , when so much work has been done on secondary education and , to a lesser extent , on primary education .
29 While the psychological and biological theories focus their explanations on the person 's depressive predisposition , important recent work has been conducted on prevailing environmental factors which bring the psychological factors into play and cause the depression to become manifest .
30 The TMI accident effectively destroyed this relative complacency , and throughout the world a great deal of analytical and experimental work has been conducted on small LOCAs .
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