Example sentences of "[noun] have make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This turnaround of the external accounts has made the domestic performance of the ecomomy look decidedly better than it has been .
2 ‘ When it 's all done and Michel has made an honest woman of her , Constanza wants us to go to Rome , the three of us , and pay our respects to her papa .
3 When we return to the apartment , Maria has made a full confession and is asking Glass to help Leonard out of Berlin .
4 Even dark green have to acknowledge that Julia Hailes has made an important contribution .
5 Mr Haszeldine has made a formal complaint to the ward councillors , saying the rats are coming from the depot because it is not kept clean .
6 Oxfordshire snooker star Tessa Davidson has made the big break into the game 's elite .
7 ‘ In the nature of things most respondents applications for discovery in aid of restraint orders would be able to rely upon the privilege against self-incrimination and the fact that Parliament has made no special provision in this regard suggests that , in that context , restrictions upon the use which can be made of the information were accepted as being effective .
8 Already the computer has made a significant contribution to the processing of much of the routine data generated by office staff .
9 Ian has made a better recovery than we dared hope , but it is still important that we do not take his fitness for granted .
10 There was a hint that this was a short term strategy , Mao at the seventh national congress in April nineteen forty five argued the C C P has made a major concession to land to the tiller .
11 The company , which is now owned by British Aerospace has made a spectacular recovery from the heavy losses of the mid-eighties to announce pre-tax profits of sixty five million pounds last year .
12 Now VW has made a strong comeback with its 1,588cc diesel for the Golf 40 years later .
13 Mr Kelly has made a formal complaint against the police and is to lodge one against the ambulance service .
14 I think Leonora Stem has made a tentative identification with a young Mr Thomas Hearst of Richmond who liked to come and play the oboe with the ladies .
15 The US company backed with British money has made a hasty deal to put its much-publicised camera on general sale in Britain after Easter .
16 Writer Stephen Poliakoff has made an exciting cinema debut with ‘ Close My Eyes ’ — the story of an obsessive love that unfolds during a sweltering English summer .
17 Each of these three groups has made a first report at the time this Chapter was written .
18 LIVERPOOL 'S under-11 side has made a mixed start to the schools cricket season .
19 All of a sudden , the prospect of an economically over-mighty Germany in a fast-changing continent has made the pragmatic path seem complacent and a more radical approach altogether more urgently attractive .
20 If the defendant has made an interim payment before he pays in , his notice must specifically refer to the interim payment and aggregate the two amounts if he is to put the plaintiff at risk for the total .
21 The revenue has made an unlawful demand for tax .
22 The advent of the private car has made a greater percentage of the population mobile , we can reach many different areas today by private car .
23 While their forwards were outplayed , though Andy Macdonald won the occasional good lineout ball , Heriot 's competed gamely and the arrival of young Lawrie has made a huge difference to their back play , and especially to centres Stoddart and McRobbie , who appear much more confident than earlier in the season .
24 But it is in the area of conversational analysis that ethnomethodology has made the greatest contribution .
25 Japanese industry has made a real effort to reduce energy use and particularly to cut oil consumption .
26 The sofa bed or studio couch has made a great difference to one-room living .
27 President Ishaq has made a dignified statement about his enthusiasm for upholding the constitution .
28 John Baillie has made the further point that , in his detailed criticism of cyclical views of time , St Augustine was anxious to defend the doctrine of creation and particularly its corollary that ‘ through the creative power of God the course of events is characterized by the emergence of genuine novelty . ’
29 Already the rosy periwinkle from Madagascar has made a major contribution to curing childhood leukaemia and other blood cancers .
30 The new development has attracted a £2and1/4 ; million grant from the department of trade and industry ; a regional spokesman says foreign investment has made a huge impact on Telford .
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