Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] such [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A small chorus has applauded such a shift in resources , arguing that prohibition of drugs will always fail so long as Americans remain so determined to get hold of them .
2 ‘ The money has made such a difference , ’ Elizabeth , 52 , acknowledges .
3 And the real ale enthusiasts chose The Tap and Barrel in Middlesbrough as their 1990–1 Pub of the Year the eight season that the supporters ' association has presented such an award .
4 In addition the IPG has recently assessed the benefits of desk-top publishing within the information system and as a result has purchased such a system .
5 Indeed , it is largely through Radcliffe-Brown 's writing that Durkheim has made such an impact on social anthropology .
6 Corbett had heard such a sound many times during his war in Wales and , without thinking , threw himself on his face .
7 It was the 11th time his four-party coalition had survived such a vote in eight months but the news had little impact on markets which had already discounted a win .
8 The CCJP also declared that pre-election violence and the intimidation of the opposition had reached such a scale that it was " calling into question the freedom and fairness of the general election " .
9 Writing this from the standpoint of the narrator ( Arthur ) looking back to the sixteenth ( and last ) year of Philip , the youngest child of the Morgan household , we are told that Arthur kept a diary of that year — as indeed Edward had kept such a diary and later printed it in The Woodland Life .
10 When John Peter , no doubt in a state of some alarm that his scholarship had provoked such a response , offered to publish a retraction , Eliot 's solicitors wrote in March that their client considered it " neither necessary nor desirable " for any such retraction to appear ; their client would take the very gravest view of any " further dissemination " of the article or its contents , which he had read " with amazement and disgust " .
11 As soon as the area had been measured and surveyed , the work of cutting the new streets through the old teeming and tortuous maze of the centre had never before been attempted on such a scale , though Christopher Wren had made such a plan for 17th-century London .
12 As described in Chapter 2 , the greater part of the funding in any year was given to a number of Major Project schools ( usually £6,000 to each of eight schools ) , and at the time of writing 36 schools have received such a grant and another five have been proposed for the current financial year .
13 Although in his new post for less than a month , Alf has made such an impression at Polypropylene Park that throughout the League his team are already being nicknamed ‘ Busby 's Test Tube Babes ’ .
14 It is accepted that Community case law has developed such a principle under which , on policy grounds compatible with Community law , restrictions on trade may be justified .
15 Standardisation has reached such a level that there are now only five main types of AC unit , the pre-1960 Southern Region-inspired slam-door units ( Classes 302–8 ) , express ( Class 309 ) , modern slam-door ( Classes 310/312 ) , Scotland/Manchester suburban sliding door ( Classes 303/31 1 ) , inner suburban sliding door ( Classes 313–315 ) , and modern outer-suburban based on the Mark 3 coach bodyshell ( Classes 317–21 ) .
16 That such contracts have done so may be taken to show with at least strong prima facie force that , moulded under the pressures of negotiation , competition and public opinion , they have assumed a form which satisfies the test of public policy as understood by the courts at the time , or , regarding the matter from the point of view of the trade , that the trade in question has assumed such a form that for its health or expansion it requires a degree of regulation .
17 This is the first time that the UITF has made such a recommendation to the ASB , which accepted it , and on 9 November issued FRED 2 , Amendment to SSAP 15 ( see p 96 ) .
18 Her own parents had played such a game , but in their case it was her father who had played the mild , the foolish role .
19 All industrial countries have experienced such a transition from high to low birth- and death-rates in the last century , usually ( except in France ) with an intervening period of moderate population growth when the death-rate falls before the birth-rate .
20 In recent months , a number of federal judges have taken such a stance .
21 In fact , the uncertain times of Terris ' appearances have had such an effect on workmen that the Maintenance Department do not allow their staff to work in the station through the night in case the ghost interferes with their potentially dangerous work .
22 It is the first time a sculpture from the period has fetched such a sum .
23 Why Derrida has had such a vogue in America is indeed a puzzle , as Searle and others have acknowledged .
24 This may seem a somewhat fanciful proposition , but no less a person than Chomsky has suggested such a possibility .
25 Harry slipped the book into his pocket , wondering as he did so which previous patron of the Skein of Geese had handed such a thing on to Heather .
26 The primary school pupils studied by Sinclair and Coulthard had acquired such a knowledge of the way lessons develop ; the participants in a trial know what stage it is in and can organize their behaviour accordingly .
27 By October she was back in London , billeted in a students ' hostel at Southampton Row , and worshipping at Regent Hall , where the Australian group had made such an impact the night of their arrival in Britain for the International Youth Congress .
28 Not even John Milton 's imagination had attempted such a theme .
29 J. M. Lee has described such a situation admirably :
30 The past decade has seen such a change .
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