Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 The principles of stressing and testing aircraft have remained much the same from the days of wooden biplanes down to supersonic fighters although there are many differences in practice .
2 Why , should there be conflict over parental investment , because after all , children are the link product of success of their parents , so shortly child and parent have got exactly the same self interest have n't they ?
3 Fashion may dictate a change in cut and fabric from time to time , but the archetypal businessman 's suit has remained basically the same .
4 A few days before , in an interview with The Economist , Ms Tyson had made precisely the same point .
5 When Peter makes the point that the non-Jews have received exactly the same gift of the Holy Spirit as the Jewish Christians , the logic is inescapable .
6 It means that in the last four years , the building cost average has jumped by almost 20 points , while the tender average has stayed virtually the same .
7 They attacked at first light , their generals having made exactly the same mistake as ours the day before .
8 My searches this month have followed exactly the same lines as those of last month ; that is to say , I have been venturing into areas possessing no known or recorded activity .
9 Last night , the old man had seemed much the same as ever , but in daylight the effect of the intervening twenty years was cruelly apparent .
10 The Central African Federation , embracing the Rhodesias and Nyasaland , had broken up under African nationalist pressures at the end of 1960 ; the West Indies Federation had gone much the same way during 1961 ; and South Africa had become a republic and left the Commonwealth that year .
11 There is a version of this where the children have to move forward the same number of paces as the time called out by the shark .
12 near starvation wages , wretched housing , benevolent paternalism or arbitrarian despotism and anti-trade-union oppression … that it now … seems difficult to believe that , despite the amelioration of his circumstances , in relative terms the position of the agricultural worker has remained substantially the same .
13 The latest issue of the Government 's annual Social Trends shows that while the level of rail travel has remained much the same for 30 years , car travel has increased fourfold .
14 As Mather ( 1987 ) observes , the forest area of the USA has remained roughly the same since c. 1920 but annual growth rate has increased by 350 per cent more than in 1920 .
15 Previous binaural recording systems have followed much the same path as Zuccarelli 's holophonics .
16 Waiting list initiatives have had exactly the same effect — because money was diverted to solve a politically sensitive problem , health care rationing priorities have been distorted so that in some cases cash rather than clinical need dictates who gets treated .
17 The sexual proclivities of no other prime minister have aroused quite the same kind of obsessive inquiry …
18 Well , that was natural ; only a short time ago , when Rick Lawrence was the quarry , Melissa had felt exactly the same .
19 Robyn had thought much the same on numerous occasions but she was n't about to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that .
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