Example sentences of "[noun] be taken to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Planning authorities have become aware of these practices and often now include conditions that roads are taken to the boundary of adjoining land , where future development is anticipated .
2 Other exchange gains and losses are taken to the profit and loss account .
3 " I only ever wish to please him and I 'm very sorry my pet gibbon was taken to the palace .
4 Mr Samson was taken to the Duchess of Kent military hospital in Catterick , where doctors discovered he had internal bleeding .
5 The burned-out fuselage was taken to the hanger and every particle of debris and ash removed .
6 To ease the pressure , a truckload of Commandos were taken to the rear where they could relax for a couple of days .
7 The wagons were taken by traverser to the Wagon Shop for final coats of paint and the completed wagons were taken to the Gravel Sidings where they were brake and steam tested ( if fitted with same ) .
8 Soviet television crews were taken to the site , telegenic Soviet doctors were produced to discuss the likely consequences .
9 If the child does wet the bed the alarm goes off , the child is taken to the lavatory , and is then asked to help change the bed sheets .
10 The campaign was taken to the country .
11 It is believed the little girl was taken to the hospital by her mother , where she was left .
12 ‘ Has the device been taken to the cemetery ? ’
13 The next morning participants are taken to the marina , introduced to their skippers , given a safety briefing , and taken through the basics of sailing .
14 Graham is taken to the slide .
15 Three days after the news had been brought to Margaret in Edinburgh she died , and her body was taken to the church she had endowed at Dunfermline .
16 The body was taken to the city mortuary .
17 The body was taken to the city mortuary .
18 The output of this divider is taken to the phase detectors .
19 In which period should the refund be taken to the profit and loss account ?
20 Any surpluses or deficits in the pension schemes identified by periodic actuarial valuations are taken to the profit and loss account over the remainder of the expected service lives of current employees .
21 A similar approach by visual example was taken to the opportunity to create town squares out of existing junctions .
22 The grievance was taken to the union , the union just say er told the steward who belonged to that particular pit there , right , just call the men out , that 's it .
23 Captain was taken to the vet 's and destroyed .
24 Ms Campbell was taken to the city 's Royal Infirmary suffering from shock .
25 Ms Campbell was taken to the city 's Royal Infirmary suffering from shock .
26 Ms Campbell was taken to the city 's Royal Infirmary suffering from shock .
27 One day Mina was taken to the spirit medium because she was n't getting pregnant .
28 Once at the hospital , Liz was taken to the delivery room immediately and Mark went off to find the waiting room , which was full of exhausted partners who 'd been there for hours .
29 Unconscious Pip was taken to the Queen 's Medical Centre in Nottingham where she 's still being treated for head injuries .
30 All other differences are taken to the profit and loss account .
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