Example sentences of "[noun] be not [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 More exercises and more repetitions are not the answer to correcting poor arm development — it is better to do fewer exercises and repetitions and to take more rest .
2 He reminded himself again that he was dealing with premeditated murder and the Glynns were not the sort to resort deliberately to force except in dire circumstances .
3 Buxton was not a man to be deterred by the shipowners ' protestations that the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not only unrepresentative of seamen but would fail " to command support in the event of a decision of a conciliation board which did not secure the immediate approval of the persons affected " .
4 But the faction now in control in Mogadishu was not a party to that agreement .
5 And three physicists writing in Nature show that monopoles are not the answer to a long-standing problem of solar physics — that of the ‘ missing ’ solar neutrinos .
6 It is not , any more than the swing- and quiver-tip are not the answer to everything .
7 Others thought the CDP ‘ should not back down from accreditation as this would seem to suggest that CDP were not a body to be taken seriously ’ .
8 Apparently , for the ‘ exclusively heterosexual ’ X , homosexuality is not a submitting to another man but a competition with , a displacing of , him .
9 II Maccabees is not a book to be used without some closer scrutiny .
10 It must be noted that the use of MRDs is not a panacea to the problem of lexicon construction .
11 What these boardroom blouses and toerags at the turnstiles do not realise is that football management is not a skill to be acquired through hard work , but a gift from God .
12 ‘ Joining the ERM is not a prize to be given to our partners when they come up to scratch , but a benefit to ourselves if only we would take it , ’ he said .
13 Contrary to popular myth , and the suggestion of your recent correspondent ( Points of View , 10 March ) , ivy is not a menace to trees , and indeed is not a parasite in any sense .
14 Edwina Currie had kept him talking and Edwina is not a woman to be rushed .
15 Little industrial units employing a handful of people working for peanuts is not the answer to mass redundancies anywhere .
16 However it is important to remember that recycling is not the answer to all our waste problems .
17 There must be many in London society so rich that her inheritance was not a temptation to them ; it could not be made up only of rogues and fortune-hunters .
18 People who have HIV or AIDS are not a danger to others and they do not need to tell people at school , at work or people that they meet every day .
19 And the implant is not the answer to all disfiguring scars or wrinkles .
20 Woolton told the House of Lords on 30 April 1952 that ‘ the work of the co-ordinators is not a responsibility to Parliament ; it is a responsibility to the Cabinet ’ .
21 We know that cash is not the answer to everything , but it 's surprising how much comfort it could bring to your life and the lives of those around you .
22 ‘ If you 've got a guy that 's homeless the jail 's not a punishment to that person .
23 My hon. Friend is right to say that the local income tax is not an alternative to council tax which commends itself to Conservative Members — or even to most Opposition Members , and he is right to say that anybody interested in knowing why local income tax will not work could do no better than to read the report of our proceedings in Committee .
24 The James Brothers ( Pembrokeshire Aviation Group , 36pp , illus , sbk , £4.00 inc p&p ) by Paul Williams is not a reference to the infamous Jesse and Frank James of cowboy legend , but tells the story of Howard and Hebbie James from Pembroke , two of Wales ’ aviation pioneers .
25 A spiritual director is not a problem-solver to whom we run for infallible answers .
26 His request for an adjournment to consider this evidence and to produce scientific evidence that supported the nuns ' claim that the flock was not a threat to human health , was granted by the judges until Tuesday .
27 But Mr Riley argued that the parking on Hollyhurst Road was not a hazard to pedestrians who had to cross between parked cars instead they slowed down the speeding cars .
28 Patrick Stewart , secretary of the CFA , however , said yesterday that it should be made clear that the pinger was not the answer to the problem of submarines operating too close to fishing vessels .
29 He claimed scientific evidence had shown low levels of salmonella in water were not a risk to health .
30 A dissenting member can not claim material breach of the constitutive treaty by the organisation , since the organisation is not a party to the treaty , although it can make such a claim against other member States .
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