Example sentences of "[noun] be make about the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even though school generated activities are not taking place at these times judgements are made about the standard of work on display and the general state of order and cleanliness .
2 The observational data reveal that qualitative judgements are made about the seriousness of particular types of crime , evaluations which are often conveyed in casual remarks made in the real-life situations of policing ‘ little crime ’ .
3 The criterion of distortion is that statements are made about the society which by social-scientific methods can be shown to be positively in error , whereas selectivity [ i.e. primary selectivity ] is involved where the statements are , at the proper level , ‘ true ’ , but do not constitute a balanced account of the available truth .
4 At the time , as the stations were being built , it was much less easy for outsiders to see what was going on , or to make informed assessments of the rosy promises being made about the future .
5 The nature of this particular situation added an emotional element that made the task even more difficult , and many subjective statements were made about the transformation , statements that appeared to reflect the concern of the analysts for the recipients of the service ( for instance , making old people comfortable in their last few years , and providing caring services for terminally old people ) .
6 It was only earlier this year when the announcement was made about the extension of the east-west route that we had some of the information we 'd been seeking .
7 In the statistical analysis of economic data , assumptions are made about the way time series evolve , about the characteristics of the population from which a cross-sectional sample is drawn , and about the nature of the relationships between variables .
8 What assumptions are made about the audience 's understanding of educational shorthand/jargon and their grasp of basic skills ?
9 After second reading , clause 52 of the Bill was committed to a committee of the whole House and clause 54 to Standing Committee E. On 17 May 1976 , the House considered clause 52 and strong representations were made about the impact of clause 52 on airline and railway employees .
10 Wreckage analysis showed that there was nothing untoward about the airframe or engines , However comments were made about the avionics installation .
11 In addition , comments were made about the ambit of the implied duty of fidelity and business secrets during employment .
12 Enquiry was made about the patient 's current health , whether a cause for the anaemia had emerged , the most recent haemoglobin concentration , and the continued need for iron treatment .
13 Another factor was raised in a case in which the government did not properly consult local authorities ( as required by statute ) before making some regulations : by the time the application to revoke the regulations was heard , they had been in operation for some time and to revoke them would have caused considerable administrative inconvenience which could not be justified given that no real complaint was made about the substance of the regulations .
14 However , as I will show , there may be no consideration of way of life when decisions are made about the closure of particular schools .
15 Erm I appreciate the point that the Board 's making about the hurt caused by broken families but how pastorally would one respond to this case ?
16 Hence the higher transaction costs of using outside suppliers have to be balanced against the dangers of under-utilization before a final decision is made about the scale of internal expansion .
17 In this type of short story , large claims are made about the effect of the reading experience .
18 There is a chief superintendent in RUC Headquarters whose sole responsibility is community relations , and no complaints were made about the level of managerial support given them by Easton 's senior officers , something unusual for ordinary policemen and women in the RUC , and particularly so compared to community policing sections in other forces ( Grimshaw and Jefferson 1987 ) .
19 Vastly inflated claims were made about the membership , which reached its peak in 1925 — 6 with several thousand active members .
20 Moreover , and although certain persuasive remarks were made about the desirability of shifting the balance towards science and technology , no sustained attempt at manpower planning was to be made .
21 Detailed recommendations are made about the amount and kind of training in English language teaching appropriate for primary teachers , and for English teachers and teachers of other subjects in secondary schools ; the report 's own model is recommended as a basis for these .
22 This independent assessment results in a judgment being made about the likelihood , based on that evidence , of a court finding a case proved beyond reasonable doubt .
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