Example sentences of "[noun] be [vb pp] at a time " in BNC.

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1 This relatively low figure no doubt results from the programme being broadcast at a time that is inconvenient to many viewers .
2 When interpreting these tables it should be remembered that no matter how many animals were stolen at a time the case was recorded as one theft .
3 These roles were pursued at a time when the ideas , language , and values underpinning social care were changing rapidly and when resource constraints were worsening .
4 In two recent books which attempt to examine the philosophy and practice of a radical adult education , the only substantial references to education for trade unionists are historical ; yet both books were conceived at a time of unparalleled expansion in trade union education , underpinned by a sizeable government grant and the first statutory entitlements to paid educational leave for working-class people that Britain has ever experienced .
5 That submission was made at a time when I was sch not scheduled to be present at this enquiry , and was not present .
6 There is an exemption contained in s23(5) which applies where the holding was acquired at a time when the prohibition did not apply ( ie before the reverse takeover ) but subsequently the holder falls within the prohibition ( ie on the reverse takeover offer becoming unconditional ) .
7 The observational data was collected at a time when the men went in pairs , but they expressed concern over how this latest development worked against effective community policing :
8 This is understandable because the Gospels were written at a time when the Church had to exist in a Roman world .
9 So Smith is arguing that Freud 's analyses were conducted at a time when society was still undergoing a fundamental shift towards not only an industrialised society but one characterised by the growth of large cities .
10 The NHS was created at a time of post-war reconstruction , when large sections of British industry were being nationalised by the Labour government .
11 Here took place the famous séries , five to a season , each one lasting eight days , when 80 guests were invited at a time and it was in the drawing up of these guest lists that the Empress deployed all her social skills .
12 When a member of the Royal Family becomes pregnant , an announcement is made at a time of their choosing . ’
13 Because only one record is examined at a time , it is possible to test the descriptors against very complex Boolean conditions , expressed in terms of the descriptors desired by the user , to obtain a match .
14 The decision to abolish the GLC and MCCs was taken at a time of major political disagreements between the GLC , in particular , and the national government ( Livingstone 1988 ) .
15 Functional groups were designated by suffixes ( prefixes were not required , because only one functional group was considered at a time ) .
16 However , because only very small quantities are produced at a time , maximum sample recovery is of utmost importance .
17 Because of problems with disparate styles of music , however , an occasional Sunday afternoon service is held at a time when white people who are committed to this kind of outreach are free to attend .
18 Once colour is knitted at a time and you change colour every two rows .
19 The growth between the latter two dates was achieved at a time when the GTP and the Canadian Northern were themselves turning into grain-carrying lines .
20 On the other hand , the doctor would probably be in breach of his duty if it could be shown that the patient 's request was made at a time when he was demonstrably and predictably suffering from a temporary condition which made his judgment unreliable .
21 Most of the current generation of older people were born at a time when the motor car was an unusual sight on the streets , aeroplanes were rarely seen in the skies , telephones were rare , radio and television were many years from invention .
22 But those arguments were expressed at a time when their implications were seen as inappropriate , unrealistic or unacceptable by many managers .
23 If the tenant is let into possession or the lease is completed at a time that makes this inconvenient , the commencement date should be back-dated to a convenient date .
24 The summit was held at a time when the internal and external relations of a number of the SAARC members were in a state of turmoil .
25 Only a single kid is born at a time ; twins are extremely rare .
26 The Labour government was elected at a time when Keynesian economics was moving towards being accepted as economic orthodoxy .
27 The investigation will explore : ways of asking about sensitive issues ; the prevalence of a number of forms of sexual abuse ( for example , incest , rape , involvement in pornography ) ; whether the abuse was reported to anyone ; what coping strategies were used at a time ; and what the impact has been over time .
28 The two men were arrested at a time of increasing student political activism , and a renewed government offensive against the supposed communist threat .
29 The report is published at a time of intense debate between EC member countries about the future of agricultural subsidies .
30 They are actually all for and b =8/3 but various values of P. In each case the integration was started at a time sufficiently earlier than the start of the trace that the choice of initial conditions is not having a large direct effect .
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