Example sentences of "[noun] be [adj] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Spider Riders are similar in principal to Wolf Riders and the same comments apply .
2 This proposition is unsupported by authority and is based upon the assertion that there is no general international legal provision for the creation of international organisations with limited liability , and that member States are responsible for contributions to an organisation .
3 Attached brick-built garages are similar in cost to extensions ; pre-fabricated concrete garages cost from about £1,000 up to £4,000 , but now come in attractive finishes and , at the top of the range , with pitched roofs that can be tiled to match the house .
4 Vocabulary explores words and the learning process in the context of the learner 's thinking and feeling , and its activities are based on the premise that depth of experience and personal interaction are necessary for words to be permanently acquired .
5 Geologically the Desertas are similar in formation to the volcanic rocks of the Machico area ( post-Pliocene ) from which they are separated by a channel 50–100m deep .
6 In addition , solicitors are eligible for appointment to the legal departments of Government Departments as described in connection with the Bar , though not always to the head positions .
7 In particular the researchers are interested in responses to a recent directive concerning the uses and meanings of literacy practices in the writers ' lives .
8 Oil of Ulay 's moisturising , replenishing and cleansing products are available from £2.40 to £5.10 .
9 The course should give details on the various ethnic groups and , if any particular groups are disadvantaged with respect to others , this should be covered and the implications explained .
10 Recent research has shown that the spores of bracken are carcinogenic , so it 's a good idea to avoid walking through large stands of bracken when the spores are ripe from July to August .
11 Such considerations are important with respect to efficiency , as an alarming amount of time can be spent on the road as opposed to face to face with buyers .
12 He also worked with the Cardinal Archbishop of New York , John O'Connor , in ways that are still not known ; his notebooks are full of calls to and from the archbishop 's office .
13 In general , liquid densities are similar in value to the densities of solids .
14 There are those who already claim Carling 's white labels are superior in quality to the vintage Welsh brew .
15 Only as the client is thoroughly involved and comes to accept on deepening levels the process of change can our methods be effective in relation to our goals ( Bernstein , 1960 , p. 8 ) .
16 Linked into centralized buying structures , electronic sales and automatic order transmission to suppliers through EDI networks , centralized distribution systems deliver goods into stores without branches being involved in day to day stock control . ’
17 The glans of the penis is similar in sensitivity to the soles of the feet .
18 But as the programme is boring with respect to TSB it will probably do !
19 On Sep 24 , 8:32am , wrote : But as the programme is boring with respect to TSB it will probably do ! programme only
20 In addition , a strong administrative capability is desirable in order to be able to manage themselves and the large amount of work , in a quality-conscious and timely fashion .
21 During the other half-cycles , when the upper input terminal is negative with respect to the lower , it is the diodes D 1 and D 4 that conduct well , diodes D 2 and D 3 then being reverse biased .
22 In the bridge rectifier circuit of figure 7.1(b) , diodes D 2 and D 3 conduct well during those half-cycles over which the upper input terminal is positive with respect to the lower , diodes D 1 and D 4 being reverse biased and almost open circuit at such times .
23 Platelets do not usually adhere to normal endothelium but the reasons why normal endothelium is inert with respect to stimulating platelet adhesion and aggregation is not fully understood ( Shattil & Bennett , 1981 ) .
24 The procedural distinction between the two types of action is crucial in relation to the question of service and to execution pursuant to judgment .
25 It seems that the issue of friendship is significant in respect to almost every area of Leapor 's writing .
26 As legal aid is available for appeals to the Employment Appeal Tribunal , the applicant has a chance of pursuing his unfair dismissal claim rather than facing the prospect of bringing a negligence action against the adviser .
27 In interpreting the width of the power to make delegated legislation , the courts will apply certain presumptions , e.g. ( a ) that there is no power to impose a tax unless stated expressly ( Att. -Gen. v. Wilts United Dairies ( C.A. , 1921 ) ; and ( b ) that there is no power to oust the citizen 's right of access to the courts ( Chester v. Bateson ( N.C. , 1920 ) ) .
28 An employee is sick from Monday to Sunday .
29 The tripartite deal was similar in scope to one agreed in August 1988 [ see p. 36709 ] .
30 This remained fraught , but the tension was comparable at times to that between government politicians and public service broadcasters in , say , the Britain of Wilson and Callaghan or Margaret Thatcher .
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