Example sentences of "[noun] be [adj] [verb] [pers pn] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I had some faint ideas about releasing , but David was able to give me some valuable advice on how to go about it .
2 ‘ Pole positions are important to give you some kind of record against your team mate .
3 In general , this is a good idea since delay is unlikely to save you any money — and may in fact actually cost you more .
4 The Dyfed Wildlife Trust people were keen to show us more .
5 Even a Riddick Bowe victory over Holyfield next week is unlikely to make it any easier to give Lewis a home run .
6 Even a Riddick Bowe victory over Holyfield next week is unlikely to make it any easier to give Lewis a home run .
7 As we made our way through 1944 the advancing Allied forces were able to give us more room — by that I mean there was more Allied occupied ( and therefore less hostile ) territory for us to fly over in order to get to our targets .
8 Naff plebeian drugs , junk food , hoary sexism , a love of trash culture … hip hop and hardcore share all these , but where hip hop still has a guiding notion of cool ( both music and style are minimal ) neo-hardcore is prepared to LET IT ALL HANG OUT horribly ; the corset of cool has been ruptured and all manner of banished and forbidden rock memories have sprawled free … grotesquerie embraced as a defiant gesture against the sound track of yuppie culture — sleek , chic , designer pop-soul .
9 Jean Henderson , about whom her daughter was able to give me many details , was perhaps unusual in her great thirst for reading .
10 Mrs Goreng was able to volunteer them some ( absolutely correct ) tourist information .
11 And the slick export companies and landowners are anxious to keep it that way in order to retain total flexibility in hiring , firing and wage levels .
12 They began farming three years ago , when loans were easy to get and their bank was happy to lend them all they needed .
13 The Fontanellatesi had a good sense of humour , which helped us to keep up our morale ; one rather large , well-educated lady called Fiora Gandini was able to make us all laugh .
14 Nina Clarey was the only one at OBEX who knew that her sister had once been engaged to the medical officer , and Rachel was anxious to keep it that way .
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