Example sentences of "[noun] be [to-vb] [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Magnus is among the top assets in the XEU portfolio and my job is to keep it in the premier league , ’ he says .
2 Its aim is to do something in the life of the person who reads it , as well as to capture his aesthetic interest and supply him with historical and theological information .
3 Now all they have time to do when they 're working on the site is to put them in the trays and wash them .
4 At which , after an ovation , half the audience did depart to hear Michael Heseltine , whose idea of a fringe meeting is to hold it in the Grand Theatre , which is very grand , built 1906 , seats 1,200 , and where Alvin Stardust will head the bill in this year 's pantomime .
5 The effect of all such variations was to make it in the interests of publishers not to specialize in one type of paper but , as they did increasingly over the post-war decades , to spread their interests across morning , evening and weekly papers — and , in a few cases , Sundays .
6 The only way to banish the bogeyman was to look him in the eye without flinching .
7 One of the worst things that could happen to a pupil was to leave something in the dining room by mistake after dinner .
8 Then , scientists were to puncture them in the leg with a large hypodermic to extract a sample of muscle tissue .
9 Western countries are overflowing with dangerous waste — and their first thought is to dump it in the Third World .
10 My first thought was to put them in the dustbin .
11 As the novelist E. M. Forster was to put it in the Indian summer of the bourgeoisie : ‘ In came the dividends , up went the lofty thoughts . ’
12 It was her firm belief that the quickest way to achieve mental health was to absorb oneself in the problems of others and , in this particular centre , it seemed to have worked .
13 One useful trick is to put yourself in the position of their bank manager and ask what conditions you would impose before lending them any more money .
14 One way is to crawl up the staircase of preferment on your belly ; the other way is to kick them in the teeth .
15 To flash a badge was to risk someone in the crowd remembering his face and in the future , on another job , he could fingered as the stoolie he truly was .
16 He pulled Carla into his arms and closed his eyes , feeling a vast , directionless violence , as if his task were to kill everyone in the world and the problem was how to start .
17 Fortunately was interested and immediately delved into his record collection and started to play some old rock 'n' roll LP 's to get us in the mood .
18 The next task is to tackle them in the most sensible way .
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