Example sentences of "[noun] be [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He decided that the only way to avoid spending the rest of his life in the workhouse was to exhibit himself as a freak , and so he offered himself to Sam Torr , who ran a music-hall , the Gaiety Palace of Varieties .
2 To sit down in meditation and think of these mystical ideas is to poise oneself for the transcendent journey .
3 This body was to turn itself into the Labour Party in 1906 .
4 However , to knock down old buildings was to put himself beyond the pale — not before time perhaps , but hardly for the right reason .
5 British Gas since privatization , and I think rightly so , and understandably , has had a defence policy against this government , and that defence policy is to turn itself into a multi-national energy supplier .
6 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
7 The subjective conviction of heightened awareness is so treacherous that to exempt it from the critical tests of reason is to put oneself at the mercy of chance .
8 ‘ It 's the hymns that are the great stumbling block , ’ Everard went on , ‘ but really the only thing is to abandon oneself to the words uncritically and let them flow over one . ’
9 It was her firm belief that the quickest way to achieve mental health was to absorb oneself in the problems of others and , in this particular centre , it seemed to have worked .
10 The function of underwriters was to commit themselves before the issue to buy the bonds at a set minimum price , if they could not be sold by the managing group at a price above this minimum .
11 One useful trick is to put yourself in the position of their bank manager and ask what conditions you would impose before lending them any more money .
12 The quickest way to absorb a distant culture is to bury yourself in a novel .
13 Yet many party supporters were outraged by this betrayal of the Whig tradition , and the very fact that the issue of liberty of conscience could now be given a low priority in the party agenda is perhaps indicative of the beginnings of the process whereby Whiggery was to divorce itself from the cause of Dissent .
14 To be seriously concerned with this field was to expose oneself to the possibility of ridicule when it turned out that one had been deceived by a clever confidence trickster ; at best it led to controversy , to results which were suggestive rather than conclusive , and away from those straightforward and answerable questions which since Galileo 's time had been the essence of scientific research .
15 ‘ Our position as an extension of the working class is to ally ourselves with the miners and to fight the government 's relocation programme , ’ read a banner outside the university , which was on strike .
16 To cling to a Polish identity was to exclude oneself from the German monopoly on higher education and from all but menial employment in industry ; given the rapid depopulation of the countryside it was also to insist on the right to become and remain part of a backward , ignorant , illiterate , inward-looking agrarian people , stuck in a rural backwater with no access to the outside world , with scant interest from that world and little hope of progress .
17 Or , if the Prince of Wales was to remove himself from the line of succession , that would be a grave matter .
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