Example sentences of "[noun] be [verb] on in the " in BNC.

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1 It is time to go downstairs , to see how Deirdre is getting on in the kitchen , to make sure the butlers are not drinking too much .
2 you go or the person who has been hypnotized so that in the most extreme cases , as we know , the hypnotized person lapses into a kind of trance , whether a kind of sleeping automaton with no ego and their decisions are now being made for them by the hypnotist who tells them what do to and they , they act as a kind of a , a puppet as if their ego ha has been turned off al al al altogether and clearly there 's a parallel here with what Freud 's going on in the group .
3 Monday morning : it was nearly ten o'clock but so grey and overcast that the light was switched on in the kitchen in Marie 's house .
4 The light was switched on in the other box and Liam Devlin smiled through at me .
5 The war was all but over , although bitter fighting was to rumble on in the islands for many decades .
6 Held at the delightfully seedy SW1 Club in Victoria , much of the action was going on in the partitioned-off VIP enclosure .
7 There are also benefits to be gained from schools working together on ‘ education weeks ’ where displays of art , craft and project work are put on in the town hall or community centre .
8 Work is going on in the Beaufort Sea on the West Coast and also off the East Coast where a significant discovery — Hibernia — has led to disagreement and a legal dispute between the federal government and the province of Newfoundland concerning sovereignty over offshore fuels .
9 Experimental work is going on in the production of educational software for videodisc .
10 Dates for this year were already booked but much work is going on in the background to see how possible it is to reduce the number of reunions and thereby enable members to meet more old friends .
11 The coach work was carried on in the trimming shop which was in Friary Lane but , from then on , Farr 's business was on a downward path , finally closing in 1929 .
12 The relationship between body posture and suppressed past trauma or emotions was touched on in the section dealing with cervical reintegration .
13 The grey trousers were put on in the month of March last and the white waistcoats in May . ’
14 Such entry could be extremely disruptive to the tenant and the following proviso may be advisable : Anyone entering the Premises under any of the provisions contained in this Lease shall only do so if the purpose of such entry can not reasonably be achieved otherwise than by effecting entry on to the Premises and any person or persons entering the Premises pursuant to the provisions of this Lease shall cause the minimum of disturbance to the business being carried on in the Premises and shall not in any event prevent such business from being carried on and shall forthwith make good all damage caused by such entry
15 At the least , the seller should agree to ensure that the business of the offeree group is carried on in the ordinary and usual course so as to maintain the same as a going concern ; and that nothing is voluntarily done or omitted which would result in a material inaccuracy in the warranties if they were repeated on , and as at , completion .
16 Owen asked how John Postlethwaite was getting on in the ministry .
17 The lights are switched on in the classrooms , Outside the sky 's nearly black , And the dinning-hall smells of gravy and fat And Chubb has boils down his back .
18 So , from The Inheritors , we understand that certain things are going on in the fictional world .
19 The whole balance of the bird population altered where these changes were going on in the landscape .
20 Seventy per cent of those continuing their studies were staying on In the same institution where they had taken the Advanced Course : the rest were changing institutions .
21 But then , as night fell and the lights were switched on in the carriage , illuminating the sepia photographs of Morecambe Bay at dawn and donkeys trotting Blackpool sands , he felt his privacy was being invaded and had stopped making those conciliatory gestures .
22 The problem of social role One particular difficulty which is liable to beset participant observation studies was touched on in the previous paragraph ; it concerns the social role allocated to the fieldworker as a consequence of his or her age , sex , ethnicity or other socially significant attributes .
23 Sometimes , travelling back from work in the moonlight , I would allow myself to fall silent and to wonder what scenes this moon was shining on in the Western Desert , where I had learned that Leslie now was ; and whether he was in present danger .
24 Kurdish people are hanging on in the northern part of Iraq , desperately in need of support and aid that must come to them before a harsh winter sets in .
25 Special trains were laid on in the early days , bringing musicians , singers and visitors .
26 Both processes are going on in the two locales , sometimes with a single agency carrying out both simultaneously .
27 The development of every organism starts from a very generalized structure , with the more specialized features that distinguish the particular species being added on in the course of growth .
28 The move by Precision to break out of the workstation market into the higher echelons of data analysis is , the company says , the first in a series of developments the firm is working on in the supercomputing arena .
29 Well now , do they run a show and that racket 's going on in the entertainment club at the same time ?
30 I believe tobacco-smoke is the most effectual , but to one not a smoker it would require to be a case of hiring another to the office of smoking away the midges — a work many would gladly undertake , for tobacco is looked on in the Highlands as a very great good , almost as essential as the whiskey .
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