Example sentences of "[noun] be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 RESIDENTS of St Osyth are living in fear the opening of the new Wivenhoe flood barrier will have disastrous consequences for their homes .
2 Obviously where frequent attempts are made at reconciliation the cost accounts may be reasonably accurate .
3 274 has in reality occurred , the position of insurers in that field has in the result been prejudiced by legislation the effect of which was far from clear .
4 The object of this study is to consider in detail the sources of capital investment that facilitated such a rapid rate of industrialisation , and the consequences of these patterns of investment in the different branches and sectors of the economy .
5 Designer Labels is intended to short-cut the procedure , and allow you to do what you want with labels in a short time , and for the most part , it succeeds .
6 Initially , three sets of largely orthogonal joints develop , but as the overlying rock is unloaded by erosion the release of pressure in the upper 100m or so of the batholith generates a secondary set of joints aligned roughly parallel with the surface .
7 Hardy was describing in fiction the real and very harsh position that unmarried mothers from the poorer sections of society found themselves in .
8 Between 1963 and 1974 an attempt was made to measure the abundance and distribution of the common and widespread birds breeding in Sussex woodlands by a series of sample censuses .
9 The patients were monitored for any streptococcal infections during sampling , but no attempt was made to measure the amount of streptokinase absorbed .
10 There is no evidence that Plate Tectonics ever developed on the Moon , and therefore even if the maria are filled by lava the Moon has been far less geologically active than the Earth .
11 It is as if Sukenick were putting into practice the principles of what he has called the ‘ architectonic novel ’ which ( and he cites Raymond Federman 's Double or Nothing as a prime example ) works like a jigsaw puzzle : ‘ the picture is filled out but there is no sense of development involved ’ ( Federman 1975 : 38 ) .
12 The lines were opened for service the next day , 12 April , from the ‘ Pawleyne Arms ’ , along Penge High Street to the Thicket Road terminus and from the ‘ Robin Hood ’ to Low Level Station .
13 On the face of it gross profit rates showed a steady decline over the 1960s and a dramatic fall between 1970 and 1975 from 23 per cent to 13 percent ; if capital consumption is taken into account the fall was from 17 to 4 per cent .
14 Before a screening test is introduced into practice the efficacy of the test in detecting disease and the effectiveness of early intervention in preventing death or disability must first be quantified .
15 Dundee did deservedly edge in front in the 12th minute when Gary McKeown curled in a cross from the right and defender Gary Paterson was allowed to chest the ball down before hooking it high into the net .
16 There was no moat , and though the hall was constructed of stone the other buildings within the bailey were of wood and thatch and therefore vulnerable to fire .
17 The single mother who was a rape victim ( you have no excuse whatever , the judge had told the culprit ) ; the family whose home was struck by lightning the day after their insurers went broke ; the legless man who packed cosmetics at home because he liked to feel he was paying his way .
18 Access for Windows developers kits are scheduled for release the first quarter of 1993 .
19 Developer kits are scheduled for delivery the first quarter of 1993 .
20 The awards are organised by Help the Aged and Tunstall Telecom to mark the accomplishments of elderly people .
21 After the separate nuclear liabilities incurred by Scottish nuclear power stations are taken into account the overall sum for nuclear waste disposal amounts to around £13.3 billion , the CEGB said yesterday .
22 When the arm spines are cleaned in bleach the smaller ones are seen to be thin and only slightly rugose with the area of attachment reinforced while the larger spine has an almost smooth shaft with a multipointed head .
23 Twenty-three different awards were presented by HRH The Duke of Gloucester to practical preservationists across the country , including British Rail , private railways and groups , and even two private home owners !
24 In the absence of any other factors , if this timing difference is taken into account the effective interest rate would be the same .
25 Currently in beta test , MicroWorks is scheduled for release the first quarter of 1993 — it is priced at $12,500 .
26 Pearsons correlation coefficient was calculated to measure the association between continuous variables .
27 In his study of abolition , Williams was effectively challenging the views perpetrated by an august body of imperial historians and in so doing was bringing into question the ‘ moral legitimacy ’ of the British anti-slavery movement .
28 The important event in container shipping occurs not when the goods are placed on board the vessel , but when the goods are taken charge of by someone entrusted with the ‘ door to door ’ carriage of the goods , including , when appropriate , vessel carriage .
29 COGSA , for example , applies from the time the goods are loaded on board the vessel to the time they are discharged ; i.e. , ’ tackle to tackle . ’
30 Analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls procedure were applied to measure the statistical significance of means from different diagnostic categories .
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