Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [n mass] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Victoria 's savings are over £5,000 a year .
2 The full operating costs of the British presence in the Gulf arising from the response to Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait were over £4,000,000 a day by the end of January , with the total such costs by then amounting to over £1,250 million ( plus equipment lost and ammunition consumed in operations amounting to nearly £200,000,000 ) .
3 Although the tail of this aircraft is still camouflaged. the rest of it has already been painted blue overall .
4 Presumably the latter figure is under £8,500 a year .
5 Choosing a penn'orth of sweets could be a long job : a gob-stopper , a liquorice wheel , liquorice rope , a chew , each could be bought for a farthing , and many boiled sweets and toffees were only tuppence a quarter .
6 Unemployment benefit is now £25 a week .
7 Wine is about £2.00 a bottle .
8 A room is about £75 a night , up to £260 for a suite of four rooms .
9 Internat-ional rates are approximately US$20 a kilo .
10 Most estimates reckon that the black economy is roughly 40% the size of the official one .
11 Only about 50 per cent of the dietary cholesterol is absorbed , so the actual daily intake is about 400mg a day .
12 The official cost of this rubbish is nearly £200,000 a year .
13 Calls on mobile phones are now 25p a minute ( peak rate ) on Primetime with half-minute billing , and 20p a minute ( off peak ) with half-minute billing .
14 ‘ The grocery bill is around £50 a week and that includes everything .
15 The price of success is around £25,000 a year .
16 Shorn of the brewing side , Boddies ' assets are about 210p a share .
17 The Higher Grade Schools charged only 9d a week , and the Grammar School fees were now £9 a year , or more than four times as great .
18 The average Albanian wage is about £10 a month , worth 20 times that if it can be exchanged for blackmarket US dollars .
19 Instead of sending donations to different charities direct , providing the minimum annual sum is over £120 a year ( or over £10 a month ) , donors can ‘ gift ’ the money to CAF who will maintain a ‘ charity cheque account ’ for them and will distribute the money to whichever charities they nominate .
20 Although her maximum grant is only £2,845 a year , the banks still see her as a good catch .
21 This means your taxable income is just £191 a year .
22 Its income is now £1,500,000 a year and rising fast .
23 Green party annual income is about £250,000 a year , and membership is currently rising .
24 A country where the average income is only $350 a year , and where the poor jostle for space as well as food , will never find it easy to bind up its factional wounds .
25 The maximum tax saving for a basic-rate taxpayer is therefore £1,000 a year ( £4,000 * 25% ) .
26 Their salaries in America were usually $45 a week , the equivalent of £10 .
27 According to insurance giant Norwich Union the average premium for private health cover is around £240 a year , but a fairer price would be £192 .
28 Unlike contractors who are paid danger money , MoD civil servants are paid a flat wage ; their average take-home pay is just £120 a week .
29 But there are compensations : the going rate for a decent country house location is about £1,000 a day , and can be considerably more .
30 Now it 's finally open , nearly two years after De Niro first approached Nieporent with the idea , the Tribeca Bar and Grill will need to turn over more than £1.2 million a year just to break even , something that may prove difficult , given that the average bill for the restaurant 's simple fish and pasta dishes is around $40 a head .
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