Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [adj] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Although the relevance of recordable bill of lading data depends upon the type of transaction involved , the following data are sufficiently generic so as to become prime candidates for public registry recording : 1 ) storage of goods in carriers ' warehouse or independent warehouses awaiting carriage ; 2 ) issuance of port to port and combined transport bills ; 3 ) on board loading ; 4 ) carriers ' ( actual or contractual ) names , and electronic signatures or authenticating devices ; 5 ) certificates of carrier , freight forwarder , and other issuer solvency or sufficiency of insurance ; 6 ) inspectors ' and other examiners ' names , electronic signatures or authenticating devices , and certifications of solvency or of sufficiency of insurance ; 7 ) negotiation , transfer , pledge , and presentation ( including cancellation ) of port to port and combined transport bills ; and 8 ) storage of goods upon termination of carriage , and issuance of warehouse and trust receipts .
2 However , the reasons for its conception are as valid today as they were whenever the saying was first coined .
3 Preventative action is as viable here as for fire hazards .
4 I think the remedy was as useful psychologically as it was physically , and his crying subsided , although his lips and tongue were obviously still sore .
5 Richard Branson was characteristically cock-a-hoop yesterday as he announced a partnership with Japan 's largest record company .
6 There are observations of the House of Lords in Hunter v. Hunter to the effect that accordingly the transfer is wholly void even as between the transferor and transferee .
7 Choose the position of the brackets so that the end bracket is as high up as possible and the lowest point of the gutter ( at the outlet position ) is not more than 50mm ( 2in ) below the roof drip .
8 Then , as now , the norm was that young married couples should live in a residence separate from those of their families of origin , and the three-generational household was as rare then as it is now .
9 The couple 's new attitude was clearly visible yesterday as they continued their tour of Korea .
10 The economic differences between a farmer and his workers are as wide today as they ever were ( probably wider when wealth as well as income is taken into account ) , but the social distance between them has been considerably reduced .
11 I trust that my proposals as to where I believe library and information science professionals should direct their efforts are sufficiently clear-cut so as to draw responses from the professionals involved .
12 Sgt Hayter 's problems were only half over as the height of the museum building was too low to allow assembly inside the building , so R5868 had to be assembled outside .
13 In this , its 300th anniversary year , its role as human rights watchdog is as vital now as ever it was .
14 Golding is not judgemental here as he does n't call them ‘ silly little boys ’ .
15 The issues raised by these comments are as relevant today as they were at the time .
16 The terror of a lost shoe or a missed train are as great here as those of guerrilla attack or nuclear war . )
17 The M twenty five in Buckinghamshire around at junction seventeen anticlockwise , that 's at Rickmondsworth , traffic 's very slow there at the moment and clockwise between junction fifteen and sixteen , the M four/M forty interchange , traffic is very heavy there as well .
18 On the M four in Berkshire , junctions six to seven , that 's Slough and the A four , it 's heavy and slow-moving westbound there at the moment , and into Buckinghamshire , on the M twenty-five , anti-clockwise round junction seventeen in Buckinghamshire , at Rickmondsworth , traffic 's very slow there as well .
19 Like many Sicilian buildings the windows are very small so as to exclude the hot sunshine ( 215 ) .
20 According to this synthesis , Keynesian unemployment was a phenomenon which was primarily attributable to downwardly sticky money wages and prices , the obvious implication being that general unemployment would never arise if money wages and prices were perfectly flexible downwards as well as upwards .
21 This message is as relevant now as it was in 1940 and is more urgent than ever as the myth of material progress loses its power .
22 Kino 's international success is pretty doubtful however as the image is nothing new and the lyrics do n't really get through .
23 The operating philosophy set them by founder is as potent today as it was then : ‘ You must perfect every fundamental of your business if you expect it to perform well . ’
24 Aggie , too , was on her feet and her voice was much lower now as she said , ‘ Aye , it 'll suit me . ’
25 Zeinab was very quiet afterwards as she and Owen drove home in an arabeah .
26 Indeed ‘ [ w ] e are as restrictive materially as the Victorians were morally ’ , he argues .
27 You will have seen that the accident to which this report refers happened in 1973 — The mistakes indicated in the report are as relevant to-day as they were then .
28 The matters that have been highlighted in this report are as relevant now as those which necessitated the formings of the nineteen seventy eight and nineteen ninety congress resolutions .
29 The ballot results had been unsatisfactory and results were not decisive enough as too few people responded .
30 It 's curtain up time again , another opening of another show and the Smell of the Greasepaint and the roar of the crowd is as strong now as it ever was for the performers .
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