Example sentences of "[noun] the [noun] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the Upper Primary the pupils develop an increasing sense of belonging to the wider community of Heriot 's and can take even fuller advantage of the specialist teaching and facilities offered to them .
2 It was a trick the Han used a great deal .
3 Even with these significant investments the Group has no net borrowing and finished 1992 with £3.6 million of net cash balances .
4 In that case the judge passed a six months ' suspended prison sentence , allowing the defendant to walk free from the court .
5 But in each case the wife lacked a full understanding of the security transaction into which she had entered and had had no independent advice .
6 She says in case the folk see the blue bloom , because she was out working .
7 In this case the court gave a further reason why the false statement was not caught by section 14 , namely that it related to the price at which the goods were offered for supply and section 14 did not cover false statements about prices .
8 For example , in one case the government sought an interim injunction to restrain a drug company from disobeying a statutory order regulating the price it could charge the NHS for its drugs ; and in a recent series of cases local authorities have sought interim injunctions against traders to restrain them from opening their businesses on Sunday in breach of Sunday trading laws .
9 Except , of course , for the fact that it may take some while before the matter particle falls into the black hole — in which case the Universe has a temporary and minor energy surplus .
10 In each case the ordinate shows the relative cleavage at each bond , presented on an arbitrary scale .
11 In each case the ordinate shows the relative cleavage at each bond , presented on an arbitrary scale .
12 When addresses are required , these are needed only in case the clinic discovers an important infection a day or so after the patient has left and needs to get in touch in a hurry .
13 The distinction between this case and Stevenson 's case is that in Stevenson 's case the defendant had a regular practice of selling his ex-rental cars and also in selling those cars he was selling something akin to stock-in-trade .
14 Parsley was used for the liver problem and to help clear the system of toxins ( causing the yellow colour and a fading of the normal colour ) , mint to encourage appetite , fennel to clear any toxins in the digestive tract , elderflower to calm the fish down and garlic as an antibiotic in case the fish suffered a secondary infection due to its weakened state .
15 In this case the Project becomes a temporary centre and they sit the exams there .
16 In each case , Tab and Dez remain constant ( though secondary Tabs may change ) and the movement is simple ; but in the one case the movement produces no additional spatial information while in the other the spatial information changes at the end of the sign .
17 In the first case the owner retains the existing use value of his land and is worse off only in comparison with owners who have been fortunate in owning land on which development is permitted and who can therefore realise a capital gain .
18 Now in this case the police have the burning proof we have to satisfy you of in particular three things .
19 An exception which applies to literary , dramatic , musical or artistic works is where the work is made by an " employee in the course of his employment " , in which case the employer becomes the first owner of the copyright in the work ( section 11(2) ) .
20 Before I consider whether this is a valid approach and whether in this case the coroner applied the correct test when he decided , as he undoubtedly did , that any omission by the ambulance service was not relevant to the cause of death , I must refer to the submissions of Mr. Coghlan , counsel for the coroner .
21 There have certainly been criticisms of the relatively narrow view which private practitioners have taken of their work ( a failing which results partly from the type of legal education currently provided ) and it is true that the introduction of the legal advice and assistance scheme in 1973 was intended to give solicitors the opportunity to take a wider range of work .
22 In the first instance the team converted an old horse dray , by removing the shafts and front wheels and fitting an inclined ramp coupling to the turntable , to carry the front end of the trailer : for uncoupling , a pair of manually operated folding legs were provided .
23 In Germany the bureaucracy played a vital role in the subordination of society and the creation of elites through which the regime played off one group against another , enabling ‘ a minority to terrorize the majority ’ ( Neumann 1944 , p. 367 ) .
24 By contrast the coast has an easy , happy-go-lucky relaxed attitude , and makes a simply perfect setting for a family beach holiday .
25 That which ended in 1774 resulted in the Treaty of Kutchuk Kainardji ( Kücük Kaynarca ) , which wrested the Khanate of Crimea from the Turks and gave the Russians the right to protect the Christian subjects of the sultan .
26 For an instant the jawbone touched the bare skin of his wrist , in the gap between the top of his glove and the cuff of his coat .
27 The main line was not built beyond Lydham Heath , neither was this proposed second junction , so that for the whole of its feeble existence the railway retained the wrong junction here and every train in each direction had to make a highly inconvenient reversal at this point .
28 In the chapter on Social Change the document makes the obvious point that development in Shetland will create considerable immigration into Shetland and ( less obviously ) that there will be two different kinds of immigrants : a temporary construction force and more permanent operational and servicing staff .
29 In response the Visigoths raised the Gallic aristocrat Avitus to the imperial office .
30 Also available in sterling or US dollars is the Tyndall High Interest Money Account ( Isle of Man ) ( 0624 629201 ) which pays the top rate of interest on balances of £1,000 to £100,000 ( US$2,000 to 200,000 ) ; over this level the customer earns an extra bonus of 1/4 % .
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