Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] [noun sg] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Coin inscriptions tell us , for example , that the city of Eumenea in Asia Minor briefly changed its name to Fulvia , in honour of Mark Antony 's wife of the same name ; this was later regarded as shocking and people tried to erase the name from the coins .
2 Unless there are good and generally agreed reasons for doing otherwise , the rule which readily minimises conflict is simply to decrease each department 's budget by the same percentage .
3 To get round the fact that the CSMA/CD carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection protocol prevents two nodes from transmitting data at the same time , so that video signals could get interrupted , isochronous Ethernet time-stamps the packets so they can be guaranteed to arrive at the recipient 's computer at the same time .
4 Thom could safely be publicly discounted as an eccentric ( he was indeed something of an eccentric in many of his personal habits ) and a generally irrelevant gadfly , but it was rather more difficult to depict Hawkins 's computer in the same light .
5 The most important was Richard Mynours , who had been a gentleman usher of the prince 's chamber in the mid 1470s and entered Richard 's household in the same capacity .
6 The most important was Richard Mynours , who had been a gentleman usher of the prince 's chamber in the mid 1470s and entered Richard 's household in the same capacity .
7 Make a copy of the last graph and on it plot the sales of Mr Gordon Mr Richard 's rival for the same week .
8 Educated at St John 's School in Hertford , and Christ 's College at Cambridge , matriculating in 1631 , Willys was admitted to Gray 's Inn in the same year .
9 However , the similarities were more compelling than the differences : and , by chance , the courts were considering a case of valuer 's negligence at the same time .
10 Despite the fact that the DoH expects our contribution to the voluntary sector to stay at about 20 per cent , we will still have some problems keeping the voluntary sector 's involvement at the same level as last year ’ .
11 She answered James Longley 's question in the same direct way it had been posed .
12 By contrast , Laverne 's refusal of the same request earlier in E-1 , this time in London English , is marked as " joking " by preceding laughter from the speaker herself .
13 There has been a suggestion that Aethelburh , kinswoman of Ealdred , sub-king of the Hwicce , and abbess of Fladbury in Worcestershire ( CS 238 : S 62 ) , was Offa 's daughter of the same name who was also an abbess ( CS 251 : S 127 ) , but there were clearly several prominent women of this name .
14 It is interesting to compare Brooks 's analysis with Spitzer 's treatment of the same poem ( Spitzer 1962 : 67 — 97 ) .
15 Dawson 's ‘ Sign of the Times ’ , a comment on pollution and the environment , for example — submitted for Camerawork 's exhibition of the same title — was designed to be different .
16 Dawson 's ‘ Sign of the Times ’ , a comment on pollution and the environment , for example — submitted for Camerawork 's exhibition of the same title — was designed to be different .
17 With lexical verbs , the infinitive evokes its event as incident to a support which receives the incidence of the lexical verb 's event in the same time-stretch as that required to represent the infinitive 's actualization .
18 This was in marked contrast to the Vatican 's letter of the same time saying gays were : ‘ disordered in their nature and evil in their love ’ .
19 Like the novel we read , Gael 's novel of the same name is a ‘ philosophic fantasy ’ ( 9 ) , but it appears to be even less realistic than its real-life double ; it is described as a disquisition on the nature of reality with characters that flit in and out of existence .
20 Your Big Mac index , and William Burke 's letter in the same issue about the yen-dollar exchange rate , brought to mind an explanation , which may be apocryphal , of how the exchange rate of ¥360 to $1 was arrived at during the occupation of Japan .
21 When the matter was debated in the Dáil , Fianna Fáil opposed the government view , and de Valera himself supported the local population 's opposition on the same religious grounds .
22 The original film , with Henry Fonda , James Cagney and Jack Lemmon based on Thomas Heggen 's novel of the same name was applauded worldwide .
23 Though she never thought she 'd see the day when she 'd be thankful for Matthew 's presence in the same room as her , Charity silently echoed Mandy 's gratitude , and held down her skirt even harder .
24 Noisy Californian roustabouts PAVEMENT are currently getting into a bit of a lather as some upstart garage band from Sacramento called SPIRAL STAIRS are laying a claim against Pavement 's guitarist of the same name , saying that they have an ‘ entertainment copyright ’ on the name and want some compensation .
25 Thunder , fire , earthquake ad lightning herald God 's presence and demonstrate his power ( 20:20 explains why ; compare Elijah 's experience in the same place — 1 Kings 19:8ff. — and the contrast drawn in Hebrews 12:18–25 ) .
26 For example , imitation of a writer 's use of language involves an active response that requires the pupil to make meaning yet to show a grasp of the original author 's craft at the same time .
27 I catch a bit of radio while I 'm changing cassettes just north of Perth and hear something called I 'll Sleep When I 'm Dead by Bon Jovi which is n't a patch on Uncle Warren 's song of the same name and makes me more than reasonably annoyed .
28 In relation to a repetition test , he argues that the negro children who failed because they did not repeat the teacher 's utterance in the same form were really being failed for a different attitude to surface detail .
29 Afterwards she found herself back at the Collector 's bedside in the same churning confusion of day and night .
30 But the pay-off line of both the book A Brief History of Time , and Errol Morris ' film of the same title , is that ‘ the ultimate triumph of human reason ’ would be to ‘ know the mind of God ’ .
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