Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] [noun sg] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a corner of Frankie 's room stood a large wooden chest whose drawers were too stiff for him to open .
2 When you ring , Butlin 's will make a provisional booking and request that you send in a booking form , available in a Butlin 's Holiday Worlds brochure .
3 When you call , Butlin 's will make a provisional booking and ask you to send in a booking form , available in a Butlin 's Holiday World Breakaways brochure or send you a copy .
4 Thus in each potency the remedy 's strength becomes a hundred times five hundred , which is one fifty-thousandth of the previous potency : hence the term fifty millesimal potency .
5 Thus , not to act or not to be able to act decisively against the ban in the first place seriously questioned the professional association 's ability to take a firm position on the vital matter of unhindered access to legitimate publications .
6 Geography was somewhat manipulated as Mr. Spencer 's empire included the Metropolitan Electric Tramways , the London United Tramways , the South Metropolitan and Croydon Corporation Tramways , while Mr. Thomas had the L.C.C .
7 Rich , handsome and intensely ambitious , Mr Stein 's failure to run a real race — after more than 20 years in New York politics — has been a baffling feature of the election from its outset .
8 At Deirdre 's elbow stood the faithless Jonathan Headleand , who was trying to explain to his stepmother 's first husband Edgar why he 'd decided , after all his protests , to follow in his father 's footsteps , while simultaneously trying to keep one eye on Deirdre ( for whom he felt responsible ) and the other on his girlfriend Kate Williams who was being harangued by a Tory backbencher about Marxist infiltration of the Open University .
9 Swinging the horse 's head to face the massed coolies again , Duclos drew a long solid wood truncheon from a leather saddle scabbard and stood up in the stirrups .
10 Hariri also blocked Jonah 's attempt to arrange a humanitarian aid package to the deportees who were stranded in freezing conditions with little food .
11 The war at sea was provoked by each side 's determination to deny the other the means of exporting its oil .
12 They are surprisingly varied miniatures , demonstrating Reger 's ability to avoid the predictable , and indulge in some daring modulations at the same time .
13 Indeed , it appears that in terms of its expected percentage vote the Right has failed to capitalise on the electorate 's wish to punish the ruling Socialists .
14 Derek Walker 's guide covers a delectable area of rock climbing , as he rightly points out in his introduction .
15 Wilfrid 's failure to secure a sympathetic hearing suggests that it was not only Oswiu 's family which found him unpalatable .
16 Ollokot overtook them and joined a group of warriors in resisting Captain Benteen 's attempt to outflank the fleeing families .
17 In Prescott v Bulldog Tools Ltd [ 1981 ] 3 All ER 869 the court adopted a more pragmatic approach by saying that if the defendant genuinely felt he needed an examination of the plaintiff which involved the risk of a real but short-term injury , the court could balance the plaintiff 's objections against the defendant 's request to ensure a fair determination of the issues .
18 This can be disadvantageous to the plaintiff if , for instance , the defendant 's report paints a gloomier picture than the plaintiff 's report .
19 The court held that the tendering of the delivery note was another counter-offer , and that the defendant 's employee made a further counter-offer when he over-stamped the delivery note and signed it .
20 The passenger was killed when the defendant 's car hit an unlit lorry .
21 Dennis 's shield sported a reclining deer .
22 The two speeches which I have just analysed are probably the two greatest ones in the play as they both change the storyline dramatically , but Marc Antony 's speech having the better effect on the plebeians which seems unfair , as he was dishonest and Brutus was n't , yet he won the ‘ word ’ battle and lead on from there to become greater and greater in power .
23 However , if the Revenue 's approach represents a new hardening of attitudes that will affect all small family companies , then this matter ought to be explored at a high level by the appropriate professional body or be taken through the courts by a consortium of practitioners .
24 If these were genuine Soviet apprehensions Brezhnev 's proposal to neutralise the Persian Gulf can be understood as a crisis prevention regime on Soviet terms .
25 This calls upon the car 's structure to dissipate an extra 34% of impact energy and represents a much more realistic test .
26 Little did I know how right he was because the first thing that happened when David 's mother had a bad day , she would call me everything under the sun .
27 It is because of our defence programme 's ability to maintain an effective ordering programme that we can also attract interest among overseas countries .
28 Her steps had slowed , as if in sympathy with her mind 's reluctance to confront the looming moment .
29 In fact Major Wiseman 's letter preserves an inaccurate memory — not surprising after so long — of the actual circumstances , for it conflates the events of twelve days and relates them as if they had happened on the same night .
30 A lawyer 's work has the same value as that of a barber in that all men have the same right to cam a living from their labour .
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