Example sentences of "[noun] [am/are] [verb] [to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-five acts are booked to do seven minutes each and no one does a spot shorter than 15 .
2 The use of strategies such as ‘ party penetration ’ , where politically chosen personnel are appointed to key organizational positions to prevent any frustration of party policy by unsympathetic or parochial bureaucrats , is only one example .
3 The Hochland colours of red and green are shown here in conjunction with a black plume — the colours of plumes and ribbons are used to indicate individual regiments .
4 States are expected to submit annual reports on issues such as pollution control , biodiversity conservation , trends in health , poverty and population .
5 Clearly the President 's enemies are itching to believe unsubstantiated stories that could hurt him .
6 All too often , policies are introduced to solve particular problems of the day .
7 First , the discussion of policy making in the later part of the last chapter suggested that many new initiatives stem from the recognition that older policies are failing to meet desired goals .
8 More than ever before , imagination , insight , understanding of new media and enthusiasm for the processes of ongoing change are going to become essential ingredients to effective librarianship .
9 Particular skills and attitudes are needed to make voluntary agreements workable and fair .
10 Other electrical frequencies are known to have specific effects on the body .
11 Those projects are expected to create 1,294 jobs .
12 Various strategies are developed to handle potential conflicts that can not be overcome because people keep meeting each other .
13 The differences between the Spanish and British cases are used to highlight these processes .
14 This is so because , if courts are empowered to make authoritative determinations of the fact that a rule has been broken , these can not avoid being taken as authoritative determinations of what the rules are .
15 A major exception to the principle of proportionality relates to the sentencing of offenders for violent and sexual offences , in respect of whom courts are empowered to pass longer sentences than are ‘ commensurate ’ if they consider it necessary ‘ to protect the public from serious harm from the offender ’ ( section 2(2) ( b ) ) .
16 Local authorities are required to take reasonable steps to ascertain entitlement to discount , but in the absence of firm information they can send out an undiscounted bill .
17 Local authorities are expected to resolve any questions as to a child 's ordinary residence by agreement , failing which the Secretary of State will decide ( s30(2) ) .
18 Voluntary groups such as VHAI are working to overcome these problems through research and by strengthening channels of information .
19 Voluntary groups such as VHAI are working to overcome these problems through research and by strengthening channels of information .
20 This is by no means an easy task when so many types of movement classes and fitness pursuits are competing to attract potential members .
21 Weekly resident meetings are held to discuss any problems , and monthly maintenance allowances of $900 are paid to meet insurance , housekeeping bills , maintenance , food , and to pay for the salaries of the house manager .
22 Attempts are made to improve existing courses , either as a result of personal observations , or from discussions with participating students .
23 The court will usually impose a requirement that appropriate attempts are made to trace lost shareholders at reasonable intervals , often by advertisements .
24 Executives going on the course are expected to do 20–30 hours pre-work , in which they read the book and , with the help of questionnaires , assess themselves , their management styles and values .
25 This is when , under positions of market shortage of liquidity , discount houses are invited to offer eligible instruments for sale .
26 The former Soviet Republic of Turkmenistan is planning several projects to modernise its telecommunications system and agreement has been reached with Turkey for the installation of a 200-line telex exchange , and NEC Corp and Mitsui & Co are working to modernise existing telecommunications in the country ; the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications is also looking into buying in payphones that will be able to handle international calls .
27 Health experts are campaigning to get more mothers to breastfeed their babies .
28 This approach , which had earlier been used in relation to other fields such as architecture ( Knowles , 1974 ) embraces population ecology , system ecology , the city as a habitat , and then energy and material transfer in cities are used to highlight spatial contrasts within the city and between cities and also to differentiate cities from rural environments .
29 The following example module headers are intended to provide some guidelines on how the various fields might be filled in .
30 Responsibility may be avoided by using the rulebook , although the rules are established to enable efficient decisions and actions .
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