Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] was [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fire brigade which was at the first blaze about 100 yards away extinguished the second fire in a short time .
2 They granted themselves permission for Stonecross offices which was against the local plan , he said .
3 It is believed that the Maltese shop owner , who recalled selling a bundle of assorted clothing which was in the bomb-carrying suitcase , has inspected the bags .
4 We leave the book with a clear image of war which was in the last line , we are just as bad as the boys on that island , that is what man is like .
5 He threw himself across the passenger seat , still holding the handset which was on the open line to his control at Selby and shouted ‘ ten nine , ten nine , ten nine ’ — the police equivalent of SOS requesting immediate help .
6 He could work out the house-style ; take legal responsibility for libel ; make sure nothing went in the paper which was against the editorial Charter when the Founders were not looking ; and he could put ‘ scoops ’ in the paper should the reporters come across some .
7 Under the leadership of Paolo and Laura Mora , they reconstructed portions of fresco such as the ‘ Seraph ’ , shown in the Mantegna exhibition which was at the Royal Academy in London and which opens in New York this month .
8 To discuss such issues outside the parlement of Paris , in territory which was in the immediate lordship of the English crown ( though held from the crown of France ) , represented a concession to English requests for a meeting which did not take the form of a lawsuit between unequals .
9 I saw a white male nearest to us , in in a double bed which was at the other end of the the the bedroom .
10 And then when she was fully dressed , she shut the closet door over and stood looking at herself in the mirror which was on the other side .
11 On the same day that Scott was appointed architect for the new India Office , 1st January , 1859 , came the opening of the controversy which was for the next thirty months to dominate the campaign to rebuild the Foreign Office .
12 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
13 As she made her way to the blue and white tiled bathroom which was at the other end of the house , there was another clap of thunder and the lightning flashed again .
14 The first two rounds of voting — in north Lebanon and the Bekaa on Aug. 23 , and in Beirut and Mount Lebanon on Aug. 30 — produced some wins for Hezbollah , an Islamic group aligned with Syrian policy-making which was for the first time participating in elections as a parliamentary party .
15 I cycled to his house which was at the bottom end of Debenham and was right next to the River Deben .
16 Following the Exodus from Egypt and the Settlement in Canaan in the latter part of the second millennium BC , the Jews found themselves in a region which was on the main line of communication between Egypt and Babylonia .
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