Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] i [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As for outside events , in these three years or so there was a cluster of royal funerals , weddings and the Coronation which I watched on Janina 's new television .
2 I found nothing noteworthy except on one , possibly the leader , who had a considerable amount of silver which I pocketed for distribution to the poor .
3 At the moment , I am working on a novel and the kitchen table has on it only the ancient German electric typewriter which I use to type out the second draft of what I have already written by hand .
4 I have a 1982 Range Rover engine with Stromberg CD 175 carbs in my 1976 lightweight which I run on LPG or petrol .
5 ‘ He can do for Lazio what I did for Napoli , ’ said the dethroned Argentine superstar , still talking excitedly yesterday about Gazza 's wonder goal on Tuesday night .
6 I have already referred to the Attorney-General 's reference , a type of public-interest action on behalf of the criminal classes , which is one example of the technique which I have in mind .
7 A story which I heard from Dad about his days at Charlton-All-Saints brought a chuckle from him as he told it but , at the time , the occasion must have been almost tragic .
8 Mrs Ewing said : ‘ This decision , coupled with the pledge of support which I secured from John Major in Strasbourg last December , means that Europe 's least densely populated area stands a much better chance of receiving justice . ’
9 My own ideas about creativity were summed up in the Verbal Arts Manifesto which I wrote with Anne Cluysenaar and Alan Young in 1982 .
10 This idea that parents have equal responsibilities towards their children has remained the dominant one in the twentieth century , as is evidenced by the contemporary research data on inheritance which I discussed in chapter 1 .
11 The second quote is from a member of the board of directors of the Highlander Research and Education Center during a board meeting which I attended in May 1986 : —
12 Thus for example in the quotation which I gave from Anselm , it is to be noted that God is to be seen as a Father in authority and teaching , as a Mother in kindness and mercy .
13 I collected a few birds on the way , among them a splendid Eagle which I killed at Perth .
14 For paper I use a rough unsized paper which I stretch onto boards 5′ by 4′ .
15 Scandalmongers will be disappointed to know that it is not the prostitutes which I have in mind here , rather the fact that this little thing called Amendment 27 to the Maastricht bill is also receiving such a chorus of anticipation .
16 The first time I fished it I hooked a very big barbel which I estimated at 11lb to 12lb .
17 We have just sent a supplementary response to the WTB which I enclose for information .
18 I 've er a comment which I think in part it relates to Miss 's observation .
19 This is the vision which I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki . "
20 But much latelier , in the private academies of Italy , wither I was favoured to resort , perceiving that some trifles which I had in memory , composed at under twenty or thereabouts , for the manner is that everyone must give some proof of his wit a reading there , met with acceptance above what was looked for , and other things which I had shifted in scarcity of books and conveniences to patch up amongst them , were received with written incomience which the Italian is not forward to bestow on men of this side the Alps .
21 Nevertheless , there seems to be a number of factors at play in the business that correlate very closely to the forces which I see at work in broader fields .
22 We squashed side by side in the small double bed which I shared with Grandma when she came to stay .
23 I reflect with sadness upon the emotional hiatus which I have for England .
24 Had I gone on with this research at the depth which I had in view I would undoubtedly have used a far more informal interview and , having chosen possible points of difference , I would have introduced these in the interviews and let the informants develop the themes themselves .
25 Another thing which I like about Singer/Superba machines when knitting lace , is the wide variety in the thickness of yarns it is possible to use on them .
26 Another emotion which is somewhat elaborated upon by the Chewong is that expressed by the word chan which I translate as anger or angry .
27 Save The Children 's Rosemount project which I visited in June is working with parents and children , providing quality child care with individual attention for each child and offering courses in computing and child care for women to improve their skills and equally important , their confidence .
28 ‘ My legs were in a right mess from blows which I took from Tony Cordle and I could hardly bowl for all the strapping when we took the field , ’ grinned Robinson .
29 Now the police authorities a and the local authorities and the magistrates may be thought to be indulging in special preening , but I do assure Your Lordships that they really are not alone in expressing their anxieties er about the er er er this bill and what it proposes , for example , if I may , I would like to refer to a letter which I received from Justice , chaired by my Noble Friend Lord Alexander of and with his Vice-chairman er er Lord and er they say as an all-party human rights organisation , Justice considers that the composition of police authorities is an important constitutional issue effecting the independence of policing .
30 One held up a Bible and a rosary , but none spoke until an older man , their commanding officer , strode up with an outstretched hand which I shook without enthusiasm .
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