Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [vb -s] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted the greater freedom which obtains in the private sector . ’
2 In this sense the picture of the housewife which emerges in the present study not only bears on an understanding of the situation of women in society today ; it also illuminates one face of urban family life .
3 Work was therefore concentrated on preparing full-scale calculations ‘ for the time when fast computing machines become available ’ — a sentence which recurs in the theoretical reports of this period ’ ( 1946–1948 ) .
4 So , if the current of interest can be made to produce a magnetic field which varies in the right way along the length of the fibre , this can be used to measure current .
5 Children to parents What about support which flows in the opposite direction , from children to parents ?
6 The first concerns a small fish Butis which occurs in the Cigenter river in Java and which was discovered by the German wildlife photographer , Dieter Plage .
7 Outside London , there has also been a trend towards larger practices seeking to soak up the commercial work which remains in the provincial cities of England and Wales .
8 This selectivity must therefore reflect the nature of the stereochemistry of the appendage in perturbing movement of the RNA polymerase which tracks in the major groove ( 15 ) .
9 Only the return through poetry and childhood images to the final home which lies in the blank page following the moment when ‘ the fire and the rose are one , .
10 It will be readily apparent that the section is silent on the question which arises in the present case , namely whether a minor who has attained the age of 16 years has an absolute right to refuse medical treatment .
11 This is a sophisticated device which operates in the following way .
12 by the N.N.E. striking Gifhorn Trough which lies in the northward continuation of the Hessen trough as part of the Mediterranean -Mjösen Zone .
13 It also increased their support payments , which are paid through an infernally complex Euro-mechanism which ties in the notorious European Currency Unit ( ecu ) with the equally notorious ( agricultural ) green rate .
14 Throughout the reigns of his son and great-grandson he is referred to as Ring Edward ‘ who lies at Gloucester , but it remains a mystery as to whether the body which lies in the splendid tomb there is his or not .
15 They are the latest Royal Bank staff to join the plastic cup recycling revolution which results in the used cups being turned into coat hangers , rulers , flower pots , video cassettes and a host of other items .
16 In addition to gender distinctions in specific semantic areas , English also has a category of person which distinguishes in the third-person singular between masculine , feminine , and inanimate ( he/she/it ) .
17 But really it is the crew as a whole which counts in the long run on a job like this .
18 An argument which pulls in the opposite direction is this : even when the government or a governmental agency is , for example , making contracts , it is doing so in some sense as representative of the citizenry at large and must bear the interests of the community as a whole constantly in mind .
19 In such cases the employer is not liable in general for any wrong which consists in the improper carrying out of such work , though he will , of course , be liable if unlawful acts are done which he has actually authorized .
20 In Yemen , seismic activity has commenced in our Hood block which lies in the same province as the oil fields recently discovered in the adjacent Masila area .
21 A section of opinion believes that the emphasis on the Green Belt has obscured the major threat to the traditional British countryside which lies in the inappropriate development of small country towns .
22 The poem which appears in the first volume is relatively simple in its advice .
23 The world champions , having wiped Ireland off their pitch , today settle down in Swansea preparing for the second leg of their tour which culminates in the 16th international between the nations at Cardiff Arms Park on November 21 .
24 I have a deep respect for Cranham Baptist Church which meets in the same street as the Community Church .
25 To such details may be added the evidence of an episcopal coinage which appears in the late sixth century .
26 Following a casualty which results in the total loss of a vessel the remains of which are causing an obstruction or a danger to other shipping , the Policyholder may be requested by a Harbour Master or Receiver of Wrecks to remove the vessel .
27 Kilns at the Maltings are used at the end of the malting process to dry the green malt gently with warm air which results in the high quality malted barley dispatched by to breweries and distilleries world-wide .
28 Edwards acknowledges the importance of code switching in the community under study : Close examination of British Black speech suggests that the situation is closer to that of a bilingual community than to the post-Creole continuum which operates in the Caribbean .
29 Another conifer , the bristle-cone pine which grows in the dry mountains of the southwestern United States , has one of the longest life-spans of any individual organism .
30 The reason for the two limbs of this rule is purely technical to ensure that there is neither an exclusion of damages for breach of duty , nor an exclusion of any duty which exists in the first place .
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