Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [vb past] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 When John Lehmann published the second issue of Orpheus , an annual symposium of the arts which folded after the first two volumes , he employed Minton to design its dustjacket and small tail-pieces .
2 Now in that room at Fontainebleau so many years ago , I studied Francis but my eyes were drawn to that bloody ring which sparkled on the fourth finger of his left hand .
3 Look back at any crises which occurred over the last few years .
4 It is somewhat easier to see how a rurally-based tradition of collectivism could have survived in pre-industrial Japan , especially in the 250 years of isolationist rule which lasted until the mid-nineteenth century .
5 Part of the reliquary consisted of a gold inscription plaque which referred to the fourteenth year of a particular Gadhara king , enabling the experts to date it precisely .
6 This was a bribe-riddled deal which resulted in the first imprisonment of a former cabinet official .
7 The process of commercialization and industrialization in the newspaper industry which began in the 19th century thus continued to have an important effect on newspapers in this century as newspaper costs escalated , as new methods were developed to tap new audiences , to reach new readers , and to increase sales .
8 There was one last wave as they crossed the stone bridge before swinging away right , up the long gentle pull which led to the first draw .
9 The latter , a uniquely interesting people distinct from all their neighbours both physically and culturally , were driven out of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin by the Russo-Japanese territorial conflicts which began in the nineteenth century .
10 The teachers in our study did use strategies which came into the first category , but it was the second which was the key to understanding the all-pervasive quality of the collaboration and the self-sufficiency of the children which had so impressed us , allowing the teacher uninterrupted periods of time for working with individuals and groups .
11 Appointed principal of the Calcutta School of Art and keeper of the Government Art Gallery in 1896 , a post he held until 1906 , he was responsible for momentous changes in the art-school curriculum which led to the first Indian nationalist art movement , the Bengal School of Painting , under the artist Abanindranath Tagore .
12 As it banked over the Cambrian Mountains , the reservoir which featured in the first party political broadcast sparkled far below .
13 It was later provided that if the commissioner from the presiding burgh should be absent , or refuse to vote , the commissioner from the burgh which presided at the last election should have the casting vote and so backwards in rotation .
14 The youngest of the trio — he was a-twenty-seven-year-old ex-seminarian who had been greatly under the influence of Molloy before going to Africa — began to sing , in a terrible , faltering voice , probably the most unmelodious I ever heard from a Danuese what sounded like the first lines of ‘ O , Mighty Mountain ! ’
15 In the second half it was pretty much a similar story , Leeds pressing from the start , then a Soton injury , then a lovely classy move which led to the first goal .
16 In it Jacobi referred to the theory of the momentariness of all things formulated by the Sautrânkitas , a Buddhist sect which originated in the second or first century BC .
17 As was the case with the West Coast main line , the Great Western sub-sector was also badly affected by recession , but the decline at the start of the decade was matched by a spectacular recovery which started from the second half of the 1980s .
18 William Temple , while Archbishop of York , wrote in the York Quarterly , a journal which expired in the first year of the Second World War .
19 The changes in the constellation of European powers which occurred during the eighteenth century had an indirect bearing on the destiny of the South Slav peoples .
20 It is among a small number of churches designed specifically to accommodate the liturgical changes which followed from the Second Vatican Council .
21 This is the theory of social evolution which flourished in the nineteenth century from the stimulus of Darwin 's Origin of Species and which is most closely associated with Herbert Spencer .
22 Modern socialism , however , is a reaction to the Industrial Revolution which began in the second half of the eighteenth century : in particular to the advent of the machine and the factory , the rapid growth of population and urbanisation , the payment of low wages and the existence of sporadic unemployment , and to the kind of society which industrialisation created which was considered by many as inhuman , unjust and divisive .
23 Following this was the rodeo World Championships on the Bitches which decided at the last minute to include a ladies ' competition .
24 Despite this glimpse of vintage anti-Semitic paranoia , setting the tone for the new wave of anti Jewish action and propaganda which began in the last months of 1937 and continued throughout the following year , the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was scarcely touched upon in Hitler 's speeches throughout the critical year of 1938 .
25 Though much new woodland was planted , the overall result was a major reduction in the area under trees which continued into the nineteenth century .
26 They took a chair which belonged to the eighteenth century English poet , Alexander Pope who 'd lived there while writing the first English translation of Homer 's Iliad .
27 The demands of Cold War politics prompted Aragon to go one step further and fabricate a fictional representation of Nizan 's treachery which had in the first instance itself been fabricated from Nizan " sown fictional productions .
28 It used to be said that it was the attempt by the Seljuks to prevent Christians from reaching Jerusalem which led to the First Crusade .
29 The other two mammal species which bred for the first time were a pair of Geoffroy 's marmoset which had one youngster , and the cheetah female , Angie , who produced four cubs .
30 The fiscal and institutional roots of stability might be traced back to the 1690s , with the financial revolution ( which meant that England 's ruling elite finally worked how to finance government effectively ) and the growth of bureaucracy ( which laid the foundations for firm executive control by the central government which emerged in the eighteenth century ) .
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