Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [be] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 It is a means by which a relationship may be maintained with objects which are at the same time always potentially alienable .
2 Three people ( GF , MM , and MS ) lived in houses which were on the same site as other residential facilities ( called ‘ campus ’ houses in the remainder of this paper ) .
3 well the thing is you go to somewhere like Dubai which is in the same peninsular and within half a mile of the , of the college there , there 's an Anglian church
4 Travel by overnight train to Mattmat which is on the same latitude as Iceland and Alaska .
5 Professor Mark Roberts , speaking from the centre of the critical consensus , declared : ‘ It does n't issue from an understanding of reality which is not to be denied , it is not moulded by some controlling vision of things which is at the same time its raison d'être . ’
6 It should be clear by this time that if there is one critical statement entirely and absolutely wrong , it is the one quoted at the start of this chapter , about The Lord of the Rings not being ‘ moulded by some controlling vision of things which is at the same time its raison d'être' .
7 Naturally , it must not be put on a square which is on the same row or file or diagonal as another piece .
8 The opening phrase " The poor young man is significant in this respect : since it can hardly be treated as Pemberton 's own self-pitying assessment of himself , it must be taken as the author 's narrative voice ; and thus establishes , from the beginning , a relation between the author and the main character which is at the same time sympathetic and distanced .
9 Suppose you have a scene in which two characters are holding a conversation , and you are covering it in separate close-ups which cut from one to the other : these shots should both be taken from camera positions which are on the same side of an imaginary line connecting the two characters together .
10 It is this version of the relationship between adult education and the women 's movement which is at the same time the most challenging and the most precarious .
11 Right you then get your baby , you 'll see the midwives doing this , you stabilize the baby pelvis , because otherwise it will just sort of go all over the place wo n't it , and this doll is , is fairly fixed , it 's not a very soft thing like a baby and you , with your hand you put your finger which is about the same length as the baby 's finger is n't it ?
12 Here guests are offered a breakfast buffet whilst the three-course dinner , with a choice of main course , is served in the Hotel Tyrol which is under the same management and stands immediately opposite .
13 Design as a complex , multi-dimensional activity achieves through forming at once a mode of knowing the world which is at the same time also a mode of acting in the world .
14 Thus , a whole range of decisions would not be left merely to the instinct of the doctor , good though he or she may be , but would be set down in a form which is at the same time authoritative , yet flexible and able to change if circumstances demand .
15 Problems arise when we come to consider the smaller centres , such as Arkhanes ; could they have had territories which were on the same footing as those of the major temple-centres ?
16 However , this does not preclude the firm from returning cash equivalent where the collateral matures ; ( 3 ) If the firm wishes to use the customer 's collateral to support its own ( or another person 's ) obligations : ( 4 ) If the firm holds or intends to hold client money with an approved bank which is in the same group as the firm .
17 You see , there 's Venus which is about the same size , Mercury 's a small one , Saturn is huge , Uranus , Neptune they 're big ones and Pluto 's another one about the same size as earth .
18 Alcoves like this can also be treated like separate small rooms and lined with mirror ; or with the curtain or shade fabric ; or painted or papered in a colour from the room scheme which is at the same time different from the main walls .
19 Plant up arrangements in bulb bowls and planters choosing bulbs which are at the same stage of development .
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